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Embark on a historical journey as I unfold the intriguing tale of William Ozmun Wyckoff, a man who rose from humble beginnings to build an architectural masterpiece on the serene Carleton Island. This episode promises to immerse you in literally rich history, breathtaking scenery, and inspiring stories of preservation.
 Learn about Wyckoff's rise to prominence in the typewriter industry, his opulent villa, the tragic fate that his family endured, and the villa's interesting history—including nearly becoming a federal prison  😳 and being considered as a summer camp  ⛱🏕 for General Electric Company 💡 employees.

The past  doesn't always determine the future... Let's step 🩴🩴 into the present as we navigate through the tranquil beauty of the  Mighty St. Lawrence River  🌊, taking a boat ride 🚤 around the island. Feel the nostalgia and tranquility as we watch life ebb and flow on the river. So, come along and lose yourself in the captivating narrative of Carleton Island's past and present!
I would like to credit the nature sound effects titled waves hitting the rocks -  (Cagan Celik) https://pixabay.com/sound-effects/waves-hitting-the-rocks-16680/ birds singing/calm river - (Sounds For You) https://pixabay.com/sound-effects/birds-singing
small waves onto the sand (DennisH18) https://pixabay.com/sound-effects/small-waves-onto-the-sand-143040/ all via Pixabay https://pixabay.com/ Thank you! 🤩


https://memoryln.net/places/united-states/new-york/cape-vincent/historic-home/wyckoff-villa/ ( Memoryln.net's article about the villa )https://www.carletonvilla.com/ ( the story of the Carleton Villa - some history about William O. Wyckoff - contact info for general inquires & further info  )https://www.facebook.com/CarletonVilla ( Ron Clapp's CarletonVilla's personalized link on Facebook )[email protected] ( send me a question, comment, or share a personal story! I would love to hear from you! ❤️ )www.nearestanddearestpodcast.com ( ✅ out my website for more episodes & show notes/links! 📝 )https://www.speakpipe.com/NearestAndDearestPodcast ( please leave me a recorded message! 🗣 I'll send you one back! 🎤 )