This is the conclusion to my discussion about LBLs with Linda Gabriel that has part 1 in item #264. If you haven’t already heard that part, you should begin there. And also comb through the extensive show notes and watch the videos I presented there to get the needed background to fully appreciate the LBL …

This is the conclusion to my discussion about LBLs with Linda Gabriel that has part 1 in item #264. If you haven’t already heard that part, you should begin there. And also comb through the extensive show notes and watch the videos I presented there to get the needed background to fully appreciate the LBL information.

I’m adding one more video in these show notes that really helps solidify the LBL phenomena from the perspective of Richard Martini. In it, Richard is speaking before an IANDS conference back in 2014 about his Flipside book.

Richard Martini talks at an IANDS conference in 2014 about his Flipside book. The final 30 minutes have some amazing revelations.

Thank you very much for listening and supporting this podcast. And thank you for being open minded and open hearted while remaining skeptical.

Links in this episode and episode #264.

Links to Linda’s books are listed in the store link in the menu.

The Newton Institute

The Monroe Institute

Sacred Acoustics

Thank you for listening!