In this episode, I interview Linda Gabriel. Linda is a hypnotherapist who was personally trained by Michael Newton, Ph.D.  You can learn all about Linda and the gifts she has to offer, go to her website: This is the first episode I will use to explore the phenomena of Life Between Lives or LBL. An …

In this episode, I interview Linda Gabriel. Linda is a hypnotherapist who was personally trained by Michael Newton, Ph.D. 

You can learn all about Linda and the gifts she has to offer, go to her website:

This is the first episode I will use to explore the phenomena of Life Between Lives or LBL. An LBL experience occurs when someone is placed under hypnosis and proceeds beyond a past life regression, through their transition from that past life into the spirit realm. This spirit realm is where many people feel that NDEs occur. But no matter how extensive an NDE is, it is more limited than an LBL experience because the people who experience an NDE are restricted in the amount of time they spend in the spirit ream before they return back to their incarnated life with us. So they get only a glimpse of what LBLers experience. LBL experiencers continue beyond that point into their time in the spirit life where they also can reunite with loved ones and have life reviews etc.. LBLers also experience reuniting with their soul group members, get their spirit force or energy renewed and many other fascinating things. It’s astounding.

Dr. Newton’s LBL research was conducted over a 30 year period on over 7,000 subjects. The breadth and depth of Dr. Newton’s work is truly flabbergasting. Be advised, to best grasp the scope of what goes on in the spirit realm in our LBLs, I strongly, VERY STRONGLY urge you to listen to the YouTube video via the link provided here in the show notes before you listen to this interview. 


If this link fails to work for some reason, search on YouTube for the Michael Newton interview where he is standing in front of what appears to be a brick wall background.

This video is part of an interview of Dr. Newton. In it, Dr. Newton does a great job of giving a cursory overview of his LBL research. Note that Dr. Newton remained a skeptic of his own discovery of the ability to reach the spirit realm and our LBLs until his continuing research cemented his findings as objective, reproducible and self-evident. 

After you have watched the Dr. Newton interview just mentioned and you have listened to this Linda Gabriel interview, you should definitely watch the documentary on Dr. Newton’s work entitled, “Flipside, My Journey into the Afterlife” which was produced by Richard Martini. There’s a link in the store page of this website.

Here as well, note that Mr. Martini was a huge skeptic as he filmed the documentary until he underwent a LBL hypnotherapy session. That session, along with subsequent experiences that Mr. Martini filmed and or had friends and associates take part in has brought forth even more tangible evidence that corroborates Dr. Newton’s work and shows that these LBL hypnotherapy sessions do indeed reveal exactly what they seem to reveal, the deepest exploration we have of the spirit realm and our lives between lives while we are there.

Here are links to the documentary about Michael Newton’s research by Richard Martini. It will amaze you. Rent or purchase on Purchase the DVD on

Finally, you will be absolutely blown away from reading or listening to Dr. Newton’s books because it is only there that you will get the complete picture of the afterlife, as best as I feel it can be explained so far as uncovered by Dr. Newton’s 30 years of research. Links to these books are on the store page of this website.

If you are interested in NDEs and life after transitioning, I think you will be absolutely amazed and definitely challenged by what you will learn from Dr. Newton’s research; I was and I still am.

If you are reading these notes after you have listened to my interview of Linda in this episode, you have some catching up to do! That is a lot of homework for you. Trust me, it will be worth your time and effort. 

This interview with Linda is a very basic introduction to LBLs. Dr. Newton’s audio books provide about 20 hours of spirit life discoveries. If you are interested in the our spiritual selves, you really owe it to yourself to discover Dr. Newton’s LBL research through his books and the aforementioned videos to get a broader understanding of our souls and the spirit realm. Through his work, I have found strings of truth that tie together many of the otherwise seemly contradictory data we get from NDEs and other sources of information about the spirit realm.

We are at a point in our evolution where we are not only able to discover these data, but we are able to share it with the entire human race. This is a gift from our Creator. Cherish it and utilize it as such. And be especially accepting and understanding of those who are not yet ready for it.

As a final word of advice to those listening to this interview and to those who comb through the LBL research, it is a challenging and inspiring trip down the rabbit hole of our spiritual selves. Remain skeptical but open-minded. And fasten your seatbelts.

Links to all the media mentioned in this episode and episode 265 (part 2 of this 2 part interview) are on the store page of this website.