Jason Keath is a social media analyst for brands and agencies. He is a popular speaker on social media. In 2009, Jason founded Social Fresh, a social media training and education company that produces a popular conference. He has been been featured in the NY Times, LA Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and on MS-NBC.

Talking about organizing and attending conferences and social media trends

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Jason and I begin by talking about the Mashable Mixer in Atlanta.

The Social Fresh Conference was created because there wasn’t a conference focusing on social media and marketing.

Jason worked successful advertising agencies from 2006 to 2008. He became the social media go-to-guy, but was frustrated that his ideas never got off the ground. People didn’t trust social marketing yet.

He started his own agency, sold it, and he began consulting about social media.

Social Fresh was supposed to be a one or two-time event. He made enough money to roll it into other conferences across the country.

In New Business Networking, Jason said the number one thing he has learned about organizing conferences is the value of partnerships.

His team always identity the organizations and local influencers before launching their conference in a new city.

We discuss affiliate marketing for conferences.

Jason shares how he finds great speakers for his conferences.

Learn to listen to people first. Give value before you ask for it.

Pick one thing people can help you with and talk about that one thing when networking at conferences.

Follow up is key.

Keep notes through a conference. Write down your "ah ha" moments from the conversation you have, about the people you meet and what you learn from the presentations.

Set reminders to check those notes again in the future.

In Nashville on February 24th? Don't miss my podcasting workshop, Start Podcasting Today. Save $100 before February 1st.

Be mindful of the people you definitely want to follow up with.

My interview with Baydin’s Alex Moore. Listen here.

Jason makes a great point about saving your Twitter direct messages to your email, so you can search them later. Do the same with LinkedIn and Google+.

Volunteer with local organizations to jump start your networking.

The death of Facebook marketing is coming.

Facebook and Twitter are the fastest growing systems for people targeting and mobile advertising. Google is worried.

Long form content is back. People are investing in blogs that take much more time.

Check out the The Social Toolkit Podcast.

App Recommendations: Trivia Crack. Finance geeks will love Robinhood and Acorn.
Book Recommendation: The Kingkiller Chronicle by Patrick Rothfuss.
Contact Jason Keath: SocialFresh.com or @jasonkeath on Twitter.

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Affiliate links used, read the disclosure. Theme music, Urbana-Metronica (wooh-yeah mix) by spinningmerkaba.

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