Matt Dudley is owner of The Skillery a co-working space, marketplace for classes and workshops, and a community of creative entrepreneurs in Nashville, TN.

Talking about co-working, education and networking.

NBN 42 Show Notes

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Congratulations to the Dudley's for the birth of their daughter, Gwendolyn Rose Dudley.

The Skillery was born as an online resource to find local in-person classes. It became a co-working space because there was a lack of space for classes.

Space + Education are key.

Matt was a teacher for nearly a decade. He taught everything from 4th grade computers to high school theater.

Matt believes there is power in being in a room with other human beings (I do too).

He didn’t like the structure of a traditional school environment. The institution of school felt off to him.

Sir Ken Robinson. How Schools Kill Creativity TED Talk.

We talk about education.

Matt began is career as a young entrepreneur. He launched a Ghostbuster business as a kid!

We discuss becoming a grand connector when you lead a community.

How to help co-working members connect.

You gotta be here. That’s the thing that makes the difference.

Tips for co-working from Matt.

Co-working isn’t about the space. It’s about camping with other people who are working.

How to avoid being a coffee shop freeloader.

Sounds of a coffee shop at

App Recommendation: Slack for group communication.
Book Recommendation: Bear Snores On . Hop on Pop was our favorite.
Contact: Email Matt at

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Affiliate links used, read the disclosure. Theme music, Urbana-Metronica (wooh-yeah mix) by spinningmerkaba.

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