Jason SurfrApp (also known as Jason Sadler) is an entrepreneur, action taker, and unconventional marketer. He has been recognized by media outlets around the world including The Today Show, Wall Street Journal, Forbes, and CNN. Jason is a contributor to Inc., The Next Web, and Entrepreneur.com. He is also the author of Creativity For Sale: How I Made 1,000,000 Wearing T-Shirts and How You Can Turn Your Passion Into Profit.

This is part 2 of my interview with Jason

NBN 34 Show Notes

Listen to part 1 of my interview here.

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Please record your audio comment or networking tip here. I’ll include it in an upcoming episode. Don’t be shy!

Jason shares his thoughts on taking a 30-day social media sabbatical.

Baratunde Thurston’s escape from the Internet.

He launched JasonDoesStuff.com and then turned off his social profiles. He did this to prove that people would still come, read his posts, and reach out to him without using social media.

Social media is an addiction. People do it while they drive and while they are spending time with their loved ones.

Try deleting social apps off your phone for a weekend or a week. Try it for December to realign your goals.

What happens November 1st?

I wouldn’t have had the success I’ve had without social media.

Jason still plans to continue using Instagram.

I want to challenge myself to say I don’t need social media.

Facebook changes. The email algorithm doesn’t change. Focus 100% on email.

Jason used his email list of 623 people to raise $30,000 in the first day of bidding for his last name.

You don’t need big numbers to feel validated.

Focus on events you want to be at. Be challenged by going to things that put you out of your comfort zone.

Gary Vaynerchuk is the biggest person in the social media space, but people don’t know who he is outside of that space. We think our social world is so big.

Read about Gary’s story in my book, New Business Networking.

There are so many people out there you can reach in different ways.

Chris Brogan's newsletter.

My newsletter (I'll do better). Please register below.

App Recommendation: ProductHunt  and Angry Birds Transformers.
Book Recommendation: The Circle by Dave Eggers.
Contact: JasonDoesStuff.com and subscribe to his email list.

Thanks to Erik Fisher from Beyond The To-Do List for submitting a question via Twitter. Submit your questions and comments by using #nbnradio. You can also record an audio comment at speakpipe.nbnradio.com. Thanks!

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