Jason SurfrApp (also known as Jason Sadler) is an entrepreneur, action taker, and unconventional marketer. He has been recognized by media outlets around the world including The Today Show, Wall Street Journal, Forbes, and CNN. Jason is a contributor to Inc., The Next Web, and Entrepreneur.com. He is also the author of Creativity For Sale: How I Made 1,000,000 Wearing T-Shirts and How You Can Turn Your Passion Into Profit.

Talking about publishing, networking, and entrepreneurship.

How I received my copy of Creativity For Sale, a book every entrepreneur should read.

Jason shares his story of how his book came to be. He put all 200 pages for sale for sponsorships and made over $30,000 in 24 hours. It took over four months to sell the remainder of the space.

The book earned Jason $75,000 before he had written a single word!

Jason began his entrepreneurial journey with IWearYourShirt.com.

The truth about making a million dollars.

The importance of a “trust circle” and how to build one.

Add a personal touch to what you do.

It seems so simple, but we see the success of others in our relative industries and want to emulate them. Instead, we should strive to stand out from them.

As a kid Jason wanted to be a zoologist cartoon artist.

You should take full control and make all the decisions.

Figure out your way of standing out in a crowded space.

How Jason stopped caring about what people think and you should too.

The War of Art by Steven Pressfield.

The more you put stuff out there, the less resistance you will feel to do so in the future. Practice makes perfect.

You have to make mistakes, you have to iterate.

The Lean Startup: How Today's Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses by Eric Ries.

Gary Vaynerchuck.

You don’t get what you don’t ask for.

Jason's article from Inc., "The Secret Art of the Follow-Up Email".

Follow up!

75% of the 2,000 deals Jason has received are from follow-up emails.

If you only put in part-time effort, you’re only going to get part time results.

I’ll send emails until I get a “no”. The trick is you need to get creative. Jason shares ideas.

Listen to Billy Burle’s tip on sending videos in episode 31.

Don't miss part two of this interview next week. Jason shares his experiences quitting social media for thirty days and much more.

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