Welcome to the latest episode of the Hot Topics Podcast with Neal Tucker from NB Medical.

All about coronavirus again! The two big topics this week are immunity and the importance of T cells plus an in-depth look at post-COVID syndrome, how we can anticipate the effects on the population and the resources that can help us manage it.

We've also got research on remdesivir and more on how SARS-CoV-2 affects children, plus why COVID-19 isn't a lifestyle disease but lifestyle medicine still has a role in general practice.

Moving Medicine evidence review
NHS After-care needs of inpatients recovering from COVID-19
Royal Society of Occupational Therapists Fatigue Management Guide
Homerton University Hospitals Post-COVID Patient Pack
NEJM Remdesivir RCT
NEJM Children & COVID 19 Italy Letter
JAMA Persistent Symptoms after Acute COVID
