This week I am in conversation with the Teacher Development Trust CEO David Weston. This conversation marks the start of the podcasts proud and new association with TDT . This will bring expertise from the team in weekly inputs and will further broaden the range of teachers that I am talking to.

We discuss the following themes 

 1) You wanted to be a teacher from a young age, could you tell listeners about teaching your teddies their 4 times table? 

 2) What do you mean by professional learning?

 3) What are the ingredients of professional learning 

4) How do schools go about getting the culture of professional learning right?

 5) What are the building blocks of a developmental culture?

 6) Why should leaders prioritise and resource professional learning 

7) How important are school leaders in setting the culture

 8) To support and challenge schools, is it important to engage effectively with experts?

 9) How do you select and commission experts? 

10) I am very excited that Naylor's natter is now proudly in association with TDT , how do you see the future of this association?

 11) TDT have some very exciting events and conferences coming up this academic year, could you tell listeners more about these ?

We also have our first input from TDT. Maria Cunningham and Bethan Hindley discuss their experiences at the International Conference of World Association for Lesson Studies. They talk with Julie Jordan about Kyozaikenkyu

Stay tuned to the very end!

In the shameless plugs section at the end of the podcast , I remind listeners that I will be at rED National conference tomorrow so please come and say hello!