Tom Rogers is an experienced teacher and middle leader, having worked at schools in the UK for 9 years and internationally for 4 as a history teacher, head of history and latterly assistant headteacher. He is now back in the UK.

Toms passion is in making schools better places for teachers to work in. This passion has inspired him to write more than 100 blogs for the TES and share with the profession through his own twitter account; @rogershistory. Tom has also produced videos for his youtube channel, has his own podcast and more than 20,000 students use his online courses.

In 2015, Tom set up the teachmeet network “teachmeet icons” which now hosts free annual events for teachers across the UK. Teachmeeticons has expanded significantly and has become a notable force for teacher CPD in the UK.

We discuss:

Tell us about your journey to this point and what you’re working on at the moment . 

Could we ask about your journey  through classroom teaching into leadership and whether your think good teachers make good leaders?

Teachmeet icons was a real force for good in the profession , tell us about the genesis of this idea and where we are up to with this now?

Your resources have been used by thousands of teachers and students . Tell us how important sharing resources can be and it’s impact on workload , an issue I know you are passionate about.

 Recently I met you on your tour of interviewing school leaders . What were your biggest takeaways from that experience and could you share some gems from the leaders?

I am a huge fan of your blogs . My first experience going back some time was the nightmares and dreams blog relevant is that still for new teachers?

I love your podcast! Doing it live was just amazing and so brave . Will this be coming back?

Your most recent 2 blogs ‘the journey’ and ‘the dark side of international teaching’ have been hugely emotive and gripping . Could you share your thought process in deciding to work abroad and what you gained from the experience .

Where do you see yourself in teaching next? 

 You do so much good for the profession so on behalf of teachers thank you ! Where can we see you on the speaking circuit next ?   Thank you !

Podcast pedagogy

This week I am looking at 'The ragged trousered philanthropists' by Robert Tressel, 'Everything Else Has Gone Wrong' by Bombay Bicycle Club and 'A Beautiful Day in the Neighbourhood' . This is all part of #teacher5aday #notice. 

Next week - Chris Moyse