.‘Success in Education: My Life as an Autistic Student’ with John Simpson

In this podcast Abby Bayford, Director of Institute at the Academy Transformation Trust, interviews John Simpson: trainer and founder of ‘Inspirational Autism.’ John draws on his experience of having Asperger’s and the impact that being undiagnosed at school had, offering our listeners a really rich insight into what we can do practically to support children and young people with autism. He also shares with the Naylor’s Natter listeners some of his proudest achievements to date.

About John

You can follow John on Twitter. His Twitter handle is @JohnSimpsonIAT and find out more about the training and consultancy service he offers through Inspirational Autism here: https://www.inspirationalautismtraining.com/

Some of the many ways John can offer to support schools and communities with their inclusive practice are:

1:1 consultation sessions for autistic people, families, and anyone else who'd be interested in his input

School visits through which he will look at the school day through the lens of a person with Autism to offer practical advice that will drive school’s inclusive practive.

Deliver keynotes and workshops.

About the Academy Transformation Trust Institute

To find out more about ATT’s Institute click on this link:


You can also read more about ATT Institute’s people development curriculum in SecEd: https://www.sec-ed.co.uk/best-practice/creating-a-shared-culture-of-professional-learning-across-a-multi-academy-cpd-teacher-development-trust

The Academy Transformation Trust is also curating a blog series titled ‘A Letter to my NQT Self’ through which educators reflect back on their NQT year and offer advice to their NQT self. The purpose is to offer practical advice, reassurance and celebrate the teaching profession amongst NQTs. Follow the hashtag #NQTLetter and click on the link to read and engage: https://www.academytransformationtrust.co.uk/institute/a-letter-to-my-nqt-self-blog/

#teacher5aday has its weekly slot , this week sees Martyn Reah in conversation with Patrick Otley-O'Connor