This week I am in conversation with Primary research and evidence guru Neil Almond . Neil has been on a journey of discovery , from incorporating research into his own teaching through to presenting at rED events . We discuss this journey and the challenges of incorporating evidence into the primary curriculum. As Neil describes on his blog:

"I’m starting my 5th year of teaching and those years have lead to varying degrees of success and lessons that I needed to learn. It’s only in the last 6 to 9 months that I feel that I am actually getting somewhere with it and now my interest in educational research and edu-twitter are turning things that I thought I knew around.

The picture is poignant to the profession as a whole. We need to carefully tread the path, often not knowing where the path ends, what twist/turns/obstacles we will encounter on the way or what educational gale force wind will try to blow us off. These are my ramblings as I try to navigate this path. I will not claim that I have answers to anything, or that what I am suggesting will work for you, in your context. These are my ramblings; they will focus on three key areas: teaching and learning, educational research and curriculum. If these ramblings help you navigate your path, then that is a fantastic bonus for me. I hope you enjoy…"

Neil's blog site

Teacher Development Trust Section 

David Weston, CEO of the TDT kicks off this weeks show out on location again in sunny Blackpool. This week , he is interviewing St George's Lead Practitioner Bea Tingey . Bea describes how St George's recent success in outcomes for pupils has been driven by a culture of professional learning . Bea talks about that culture and how it has been developed and the logistics of planning out CPD . Many people have visited St George's recently to see this in action and I know this is something they welcome , so get in touch with Bea here:

Podcast pedagogy 

I am very happy to have received contributions for this feature so this will be returning next week. 

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