Motivated Teaching’ with Peps Mccrea.

In this podcast Abby Bayford, Director of Institute at the Academy Transformation Trust, interviews Peps and asks him why motivation is important. Peps discusses the big levers we can pull to build motivation in our classrooms. Via Twitter listeners can also get involved in a conversation about motivation with Peps and colleagues by commenting what they find challenging about motivation beneath the Naylor’s Natter post.

About Peps Mccrea

You can follow Peps on Twitter. His Twitter handle is @PepsMccrea. You can find out more about Pep’s career, his work and the books he has written here:

About the Academy Transformation Trust Institute

You can also read more about ATT Institute’s people development curriculum in SecEd:

The Academy Transformation Trust is also curating a blog series titled ‘A Letter to my NQT Self’ through which educators reflect on their NQT year and offer advice to their NQT self. The purpose is to offer practical advice, reassurance and celebrate the teaching profession amongst NQTs. Follow the hashtag #NQTLetter and click on the link to read and engage:

We also have our regular TDT input as well as our #teacher5aday regular section