About Ros 

Primary, middle, and secondary school teacher

Extensive experience working with pupils for which English is an additional language (EAL)

Many years in Senior Leadership

Head of Primary overseas

Advisor for Assessment for Kirklees Local Authority

Primary Strategy Manager for Education Bradford

12 years as an Ofsted inspector

Five years as an Advanced Skills Assessor

20 years as an independent consultant supporting schools

Creator of Big Writing, VCOP, and The Criterion Scale

Published several books on primary writing and assessment with Oxford University Press


Ros has written a number of publications on writing, talk, curriculum, and assessment. Her latest books are published by Oxford University Press. Ros has recently written an exciting and amusing biography which centres on her journeys and adventures through life. She is also working on a series of illustrated children’s books that are fun and educational.


Ros is active on Twitter and has made many great friends and professional connections. Ros has also had the pleasure of speaking at many grassroots events such as BrewEds through colleagues met on social media. Ros was listed as one of the top ten educational voices.

Chartered College

Through Twitter, Ros has developed a lasting friendship with Dame Alison Peacock and Professor Sam Twiselton OBE, CEO and Vice President respectively. Ros is proud to be an Affiliate Member and strong advocate of the Chartered College for Teachers.

BBC Teach

In November 2019, Ros was delighted to participate in a BBC Teach Live Lesson. The topic was remembrance and covered cross curricular learning, the difficulty of discussing conflict and loss, and how to get children to think critically and analytically. She has since edited and proofed scripts for subsequent recordings.

Harrow International

Ros was proud to be on the Global Advisory Panel for Harrow International Schools. Take a look at their great work here.