This week I am Joined by teacher, author and all round education guru Doug Lemov. In this podcast we talk about the massive impact Teach Like  A Champion 2.0 has had on the teaching profession . Doug talks about Uncommon Schools and the art of teaching and its tools. He goes into detail about some of the techniques discussed in the books and how teachers have used them. We also talk about 'Reading Reconsidered' and it's influence on  national pedagogy and  the teaching of reading. We go into detail about the cultural capital of a literary canon, the importance of explicitly teaching vocabulary and the implementation of school wide reading programmes

We also get an exclusive on the upcoming TLAC 3.0!

Here are the discussion points in the podcast 

Could you tell listeners about your own personal journey in education?

Could you explain the concept of Uncommon Schools and the fieldwork you undertook in the production of both TLAC and Reading reconsidered?

In the introduction to TLAC , you talk about the 'art of teaching and it's tools' what do you mean by that? How is this different or possibly complimentary to the evidence based teaching movement?

TLAC 2.0 has been phenomenally successful in the UK, how would you advise schools to best use the book? I find the field guide an excellent accompaniment especially when working with new teachers .

Reading has been a big focus for all the schools I work with in Blackpool. We have used your work extensively along with the expertise of Alex Quigley (Closing the Vocabulary Gap) to address this . Our literacy lead Becky Jones has introduced a literary canon across our school and we now have a fixed reading period daily with pupils working through this canon. Why do you think the canon has declined and how important is book choice?

Having selected a canon, what approaches to reading do you advocate in part 2 of reading reconsidered ? The fundamentals

How can we build vocabulary during reading?

How important is implementation in developing reading systems and what are the key phases in this process?

Shameless plugs

My article for RSC 'Young and in charge'

My latest blog for Teacher Toolkit

All previous interviews are available via my website

Next week Dame Alison Peacock