Cath Murray  now slays dragons for @csjthinktank leading on alternative provision. Content producer for @EducationFest. Formerly@SchoolsWeek&@FEWeek . We are in conversation about alternative provision and exclusions. 
What is IntegratED?

The IntegratED programme aims to reduce preventable school exclusions and improve the quality of alternative provision (AP) for pupils being educated outside of mainstream schools.

Our work is broadly divided into two areas:

Raising the profile of AP and exclusions; and
Piloting models in schools and AP settings that prioritise whole-child development.


The social change we want to see eventually is a reduction in the number of children excluded from schools, an increase in early remedial interventions for pupils who require them, and a greater focus on whole-child development across the school system.

If AP is the best place for a child, we want to ensure they are given high-quality provision that helps them achieve their full potential.

In all cases we wish to see young people graduate from secondary level to a positive tertiary destination, with sufficient skills, values, aptitudes, and capabilities to enable them to contribute to the common good.

We are not saying that all exclusion should be stopped. We are saying:

exclusions should be fair, and with the best interest of the child at heart; and
if removed, children should be placed somewhere that can offer them a high-quality education that meets their needs.

The natter 

Firstly tell us about your career to this point and how you moved from schools week to slaying dragons!   What is integratED and which organisations are part of this coalition?   Tell us about your work for integratED and your vision for fewer exclusions and better alternative provision   The unexplained pupil exits from school published in October from the education policy institute is an important read , could you take listeners through the report and it’s key recommendations (policy, guidance etc)   The AP census is incredibly opaque as you state in the integratED blog , what constitutes AP? Why is there such huge disparity in different LAs ?   You recommend that the government should publish alongside its exclusion rates , a combined figure that accounts for all AP , tell listeners why this is important.  Is a managed move to AP better than a perm ex ?   How can we improve education for children removed from mainstream?   You are out presenting your work at conferences , where can listeners see you next ?   Could you signpost us to blog / twitter / website etc ?

Exciting news! 

Naylor's Natter in association with TDT is now sponsored by John Catt Edu. This means even more high quality interviews and for you the listeners , a chance to benefit with discounts on John Catt books . The sponsorship will also help move NN into America! 

This weeks code:

Here is a code for the first week: POD30. If listeners enter that where prompted on the SHOPPING CART page (not the CHECKOUT - people often slip up with that!), they will get 30% off any order from until the next week’s show.

Next week:

Omar Akbar on Bad School Leadership 

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