John Tschohl, called the “Guru of Customer Service” by USA Today, Time and Entrepreneur magazines, is a best selling author,
the internationally recognized service strategist and President of Service Quality Institute, the global leader in customer service.

John believes that globally, customer service is quite weak.

“Most companies believe that they provide great customer service. Most people believe there is no customer service.”

He feels this is the case for a few different reasons. First, very few CEOs understand the ramifications of poor customer service and the revenue stream they can create if they deliver an incredible customer service. As well, most organizations actually work to make it more difficult to do business with them with their policies, and lack of speed. Finally, very few organizations are willing to invest in and develop the people that work for them.

To improve customer service, John feels that companies need to understand that they’re in the business of customer service.

“It’s much cheaper to keep a present customer than to always get a new customer”

Companies need to have a continuous process for training their employees, and not just offer short courses ever 5 to 10 years.

In order to stay focused, John has clearly defined goals to know where he is, where’s going and how he plans to get there. He adds that he also takes a vacation every month.

“I work hard, I play hard, I spend a lot of money and I invest a lot of money”

He shares that he’s had a clearly defined written game plan since he was 22 years old.

“I had a goal to have a million dollars net worth by age 30, which I did”

To create a service culture, he advises that organizations develop a customer-driven workforce with high-performing employees.

“It’s the easiest way to grow. It is the least expensive method you can use to dramatically grow your business.”

Internet calling tools like WeChat and OneSuite are some of the resources he uses on a regular basis.

“Technology is moving very fast, but the most effective way to communicate with your customers is by phone. You’ve got to be ready to pick up the phone and talk to people.”

Some of the most impactful books he has read is “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill and “Psycho-Cybernetics” by Maxwell Maltz. John reads a book a month, with a focus on personal development, sales and leadership.

“The safest investment a person can make is in themselves”

To motivate employees, John says that you need to first develop and build yourself, as you define your goals and work the game plan.

“(Goals) have to be tangible, realistic, and in all areas of your life”

One thing he’s really excited about is the new health care program his company is releasing soon. The program, “Health Care with Feelings”, focuses on changing attitudes and behaviour, teaching the skills and art of customer service, and building employee moral and teamwork.

The quote or mantra that John lives by is simply, “Believe in yourself.”


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