Today, I want to reveal a secret to you that would make college super easy and a breeze for you.

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You Need To Listen To This.

Audio Broadcast Description:

Last time, I talked to you about using TTS (Text-To-Speech) software to listen to your college’s learning assignments if you find yourself pressed for time because of your many responsibilities.

Today, I want to reveal a secret to you that would make college super easy and a breeze for you.
It would make college look like a walk in the park.
It would feel like passed through college by lazily sunbathing at the beach and resting all day but ending up passing all your tests and exams with flying colors all because of this amazing learning method I created that couldn’t have existed before, but now smart phones and TTS (Text-To-Speech) software has made it possible.
This is a “Rest & Relaxation” style of learning that your parents couldn’t have but now thanks to technological advancements you can.

First, you would need two devices.

With Device #1 use the TTS (Text-To-Speech) software to dictate your College Course’s Reading Assignment.

Then, with Device #2 play instrumentals.

You can play classical music if you’re classy like that.
Or you could play opera music (without vocals) or orchestra music.
You could even download instrumentals of current songs from the internet and use that.

So on one hand you have the sound of the instrumental, then on your other hand you have the sound of the TTS (Text-To-Speech) software dictation of your college course’s reading assignments.

The two sounds blends to turn your reading assignment or your academic textbook into sweet music to your ears.

Lye down at the beach all day and listen to an entire text book while resting.
If you can listen to the radio for hours and still remember what was said, what makes you think you won’t remember what the TTS software dictated to you.

Naturally,you might need to subscribe to a music streaming service or just listen to any free online radio station that plays only instrumental music.

When you master adjusting the volumes like a DJ you will see how fun and exciting it is.
You could actually just listen for hours and hours and hours without getting bored or tired.
You would really really really enjoy it and learn a lot if you are paying attention to it.

It also helps if you are imagining what is being said as you’re listening to the dictation.
Allow yourself imagine what is being talked about.
Put pictures to what is being talked about.

Escape into the words.
Escape into what is being spoken textbooks.

This is how to really enjoy being a student and have excellent grades even if you used to be somebody people always said wasn’t smart and teachers always considered you an average student or worse; after this you will see yourself begin to soar academically and pass all your tests and exams with flying colours.

Scriptures Referenced In This Broadcast:

Proverbs 4:20-23 KJV
My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings. [21] Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart. [22] For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh. [23] Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.

About “Navigating College”:

College can be tricky and you would need some help trying to navigate it. ‘Navigating College’ is a broadcast series by Pastor Alfred that briefly highlights certain portions of books written by Pastor Alfred that would help you navigate the labyrinth that is College campuses.

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The post Mixing It Like A DJ To Excel With Flying Colors : Navigating College (hosted by Pastor Alfred) first appeared on