Dr. Menah Pratt-Clarke has dedicated her career as an educator to helping others better understand some of the most charged encounters we face. She is a thought leader in diversity and inclusion and even as her area of study engages in conversations that range from discomfort to rage, her approach to helping her institution find its voice on these issues is one worth understanding.

Dr. Pratt-Clarke joins Howard Teibel on the show today and what starts as a discussion about the role of diversity and inclusion in the education environment turns quickly to our waning collective skill in truly engaging in difficult conversations — from our micro-conversations on social media to dialog among senior leadership.

Dr. Pratt-Clarke and Howard Teibel will each be presenting at this year’s AuditCon — the annual conference of the Association of College and University Auditors — coming up September 15-19, 2019 in Baltimore. Learn more at ACUA.org.

About Dr. Pratt-Clarke

Menah Pratt-Clarke is the Vice President for Strategic Affairs and Diversity, and Professor of Education (with tenure) at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. With twenty-five years of administrative, academic, and legal experience, Dr. Pratt-Clarke has led and managed large-scale institution-wide transformational strategic initiatives at public and private higher education institutions. As a member of the President’s Executive Staff at Virginia Tech, she oversees the Office for Strategic Affairs and the Office for Inclusion and Diversity.

Links & Notes

ACUA — Learn more about AuditCon 2019! Baltimore, MD • September 15-19, 2019
InclusiveVT — Hub for more information on Virginia Tech’s mission, Ut Proism
Newest Book: A Black Woman's Journey from Cotton Picking to College Professor: Lessons about Race, Class, and Gender in America by Dr. Menah Pratt-Clarke (Kindle Edition)
Menah’s full list of publications