OYoga can help you unlock your own inner sex goddess and unleash your full sexual potential.Many of the yoga practices used today were created by male figures.

OYoga, created by Psalm Isadora (tantra, sex and relationships expert), is a fun and super effective combination of yoga, belly dance and burlesque to help women unlock their own inner sex goddess and unleash their full sexual potential.

Psalm says that sex is about so much more than “just” sex. It’s about deep levels of intimacy, sacred connections, real vulnerability and raw openness.

Having physical confidence allows you to own your sexuality, from the bedroom to the boardroom. 

Psalm joins host Lisa Davis to explain more about what she does as a tantra, sex and relationship expert, as well as simple ways you can start to awaken your own sexuality.

She also discusses her KISS Chocolate Meditation philosophy, which involves "making love" to a piece of dark chocolate while exploring these four sensations: 

KinecticIntimacySensualitySlowing Down