By learning how to conquer life's challenges, you develop power, vitality, influence and a greater connection to your authentic self.Zen Warrior Training® is a highly-disciplined personal development program dedicated to helping people to optimize their bodies and minds to achieve self-mastery.

The foundation of Zen Warrior Training® is the acknowledgment that challenges are man's greatest ally in disguise, and that by learning how to conquer them, we develop power, vitality, influence and a greater connection to our authentic selves.

Each individual's potential is limited primarily by his or her own belief systems, attitude and cultural imprinting. When these self-limiting beliefs are exposed by a compassionate and enlightened guide, we can live our lives more fully and more empowered in each moment. The Zen Warrior Training® ethos is that true success is the result of a disciplined mind, a balanced personal life, healthy relationships and fulfilling work.

Sam Morris, founder of Zen Warrior Training®, joins hosts Andrea and Lisa to share more about the philosophy, as well as certain techniques you can use to get started with the training.