Hi, I'm Lisa Davis. So glad you're listening to Health Power. It's been a little while since I've done a health quickie, so I'm going to bring them back. Today we're going to start talking about. Hi, I'm Lisa Davis. So glad you're listening to Health Power. Today I'm going to do a naturally savvy health quickie where I talk about an article from

So today I'm talking about eight reasons to start your day with lemon water. Now this is something that I've been thinking about doing for a long time and I haven't, so I'm really hoping that this will get me over the edge to do it. So the first thing it does is it gives you an energy boost. So if you rely on caffeine to give you that boost in the morning, that can have some long -term consequences, including taking a toll on your adrenal glands, which by the way are already overworked thanks to stress, late nights, too many stimulates.

Instead, lemon water oxygenates and energizes the body. It's a great jumpstart to your day. Now, the second reason is one of the ones that I've been wanting to do it is that it promotes good digestion. Now, according to Dr. John Maston -Endy, lemon, excuse me, lemon water stimulates the stomach to increase its production of digestive juices and improves peristalsis, the muscular contractions that push food through the entire digestive system.

Improved digestion, what does that mean? Better nutrient absorption, which we all want, and less bloating, which I definitely want. Number three, it stimulates elimination. Elimination, a simple glass of lemon water stimulates the liver's production of bile. This combined with improved peristalsis, which I just mentioned, of the entire digestive system is a more natural method of waste removal. So lemon water acts as a mild diuretic.

increasing the frequency of urination and gently flushing out toxins from the urinary tract. The result, better waste and waist W -A -I -S -T management. Number four, it gives your immune system a boost. Well, everybody wants that. A squeeze of fresh lemon juice gives you a shot of the antioxidant vitamin C, about 44 .5 milligrams per lemon. But more importantly, it helps the body maintain a balanced pH 

Even though lemon tastes acidic, inside the body it is alkaline. And I'm sure you've all heard about how important it is to be alkaline. Number five, it helps detox the liver with more than 500 functions. The liver is a very busy organ. It is the most important role, excuse me, it's most important role is to filter the blood of waste products, drugs, pesticides, and other poisons. So lemon juice is really powerful and it helps to stimulate bioproduction like we talked about.

Number six, it helps you lose weight. The liver is an important fat burning organ. It regulates fat metabolism, breaking down fats and shipping them out via the large intestine. So just keep that in mind as well, but there's a lot of other factors that are important. Better skin. Number seven, the detoxifying action of drinking lemon water will release impurities through every exit point or detoxification channel, including the skin.

Now you might have a mild amount of acne at first while stuff's getting cleaned out, but soon you will be replaced with a healthy glow. I know I'm touching my face like I have a healthy glow, but I do, but I don't have the lemon water going yet, but I will. Number eight, hydration. Lemon water, excuse me, lemon makes water taste better. And if it tastes better, you're going to drink more. So that's a really good thing. So the bottom line, there's a lot of good reasons to start your day with lemon water. Will you be picking up this habit? Yes, I will.

I hope you do as well for whatever reasons work for you, reason or reasons, but keep coming back to Health Power five days a week. I'm back to doing my health quickies. This is really quick. This is gonna be under four minutes. Who doesn't have time for that? Anyway, everybody keep coming back. Rate, subscribe and have a great day. Thanks. Oh.