Lisa is joined by one of the top International Security Expert’s, Sam Rosenberg, who has protected such stars as Tom Cruise, Warren Buffet, Lucy Liu, Tony Robbins, and heads of state like Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has written a new book to teach everyone how to protect themselves in this unpredictable world we find ourselves in.

He is here to talk about her book, Live Ready: A Guide to Protecting Yourself In An Uncertain World.

SummaryIn this episode, Lisa Davis discusses the concerns of living in a dangerous world and the fear of school shootings and hate crimes. She interviews Sam Rosenberg, an international security expert, about his book 'Live Ready, A Guide To Protecting Yourself In An Uncertain World.' They cover topics such as recognizing and understanding threats, trusting your intuition, identifying sociopaths, and the psychographic profile of dangerous individuals. They also discuss the psychology behind violence and the rationalization of violent behavior. The episode concludes with a promotion of Sam Rosenberg's book.
The world is a dangerous place, but it is possible to navigate it safely with the right skills and knowledge.Trusting your intuition and recognizing warning signs can help you avoid dangerous situations.Sociopaths often use deception and manipulation, and a key indicator is their tendency to fall into a pity play when caught in a lie.The psychographic profile of dangerous individuals includes a mission-oriented mindset, a desire for notoriety, and a belief in being victimized.Violence is a rare and distinct psychology, and rationalizing violence against the innocent is a dangerous mindset.
Chapters00:00Introduction and Concerns
01:26Navigating the Dangerous World
04:16Recognizing and Understanding Threats
06:38Trusting Your Intuition
09:14Recognizing a Sociopath
11:46Psychographic Profile of Dangerous Individuals
14:24Psychographic Profile and Dangerous Talk
19:07Understanding Violence and Rationalization
20:01Conclusion and Book Promotion

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