Lisa is joined by Shannon Duncan,  an entrepreneur and author to talk about his book, Coming Full Circle: Using Psychedelics to Heal Trauma. He also penned: Present Moment Awareness. Duncan lives in California finding his way to an authentic expression of himself, including and especially his sense of humor, has been the most rewarding aspect of healing from trauma.

More about Shannon and the book: 

Shannon Duncan tried everything to heal from his debilitating childhood trauma. His breakthrough came when he explored psychedelics under the close and skilled guidance of trained professionals. Duncan carefully chronicles his experience in Coming Full Circle: Using Psychedelics to Heal Trauma  (On sale: March 7, 2023; Present Moment Press Inc).  The book aims to empower its readers with a greater understanding of the true potential, limitations, risks, and nuances to the process of using psychedelics to heal trauma. With each passing year, new evidence emerges about the immense healing potential psychedelics offer for anxiety, depression, addiction, PTSD and more. And this information comes from credible studies and research groups.  As the information grows so too does the often-dangerous misinformation generated by profiteers and pseudo experts. To help disseminate information properly and as an advocate for those seeking to heal from trauma, it is Duncan’s sincere wish that sharing what he learned through his experiences will be of service to those who are in need. A fierce protector of those who are utilizing psychedelics as a way to heal their emotional wounds and trauma, Duncan knows firsthand the courage, determination, and vulnerability required to approach emotional healing in this specialized way. In the book, Duncan shares what he learned during his own intensive multi-year process of healing trauma with the help of psychedelics.