Lisa is joined by Spark of Life Co-Founder David Mathews who shares hope with those grieving. The Spark of Life Story centers on helping those with loss to 'Live Forward.' There is a huge difference between Living Forward and simply 'existing' forward. Discover how to live forward with loss, and find meaning and purpose in life again.

We have all had loss in our lives and I found deep meaning in this conversation.  I hope you will too. 


Spark of Life exists to instill hope that, though life can never be the same after loss, life can be rich and fulfilling. The founders of Spark of Life have experienced the journey from loss to life, from grief to grace, from weakness to strength. We know the journey is difficult, yet possible. We are here to join you on that journey - hope begins now.

Spark of Life exists to help grievers to live forward with confidence and hope after loss. Having personally traveled the road of grief, and working with thousands of others who have, the Spark of Life team knows that though life can never be the same after loss, life can be better than we imagined.

We offer safe spaces for conversations about the hard things we all experience after loss, whether it’s the loss of a loved one, loss of our health, or loss of our expectations. We provide the encouragement, resources, and hope you need to live forward with a destined purpose.