Lisa is joined by Dr. Joyce Knudsen who shares with us her journey with breast cancer and how to not sweat the small stuff.

Joyce Knudsen, Ph.D. is the Founder and President of The ImageMaker, Inc.®
Research Company and is a celebrated Image Consultant specializing in Self-esteem & Personal development. She has been featured in USA Today, Glamour Magazine, New York Times Magazine, Indianapolis Star, Detroit News, Detroit free Press, The Tennessean newspaper, Women's World, NYT, Psychinc, Psychology Today and The Chinese Morning Press.

Dr. Joyce works across industries as a company research branding expert with accolades from AICI (Association of Image Consultants, International) where she achieved AICI MASTER, Degree Certificate from Notre Dame University, where she earned the title of Distance Learning Examiner, Recognition from The Life Coach Guide as one of their Life Coaches.

Dr. Joyce is also the other of numerous books including Refusing to Quit: True Stories of Women over Sixty Who Refused to Quit.