Lisa is joined by Joan Ranquet to talk about some wonderful hands on things you can do to help your dog during the 4th of July weekend. Joan Ranquet is an accomplished animal communicator of over 30 years, a TEDx speaker, educator, animal guardian and author of Emotional Freedom Technique for Animals and their Humans, Creating a Harmonious Relationship through Tapping (Findhorn Press, June 27, 2023)
Here are the tips however do listen to the interview.  Joan walks you through a very quick tapping routine you can do on your dog and yourself. Create a safe haven for your pets.  Consider putting your pets in a safe, escape-proof room or area with some of their favorite toys during the fireworks.Keep horses and livestock in safely fenced areas and as far from the excitement and noise as possible.Make sure your pets – cats and dogs alike – have identification tags with up-to-date information. If you have horses, you might consider marking a safety (breakaway) halter with your contact information and leaving it on your horse during this stressful time.What behavior patterns should you look for in animals that signify they may be in distress?Excessive barking/howling, clawing at door/windows, house soiling, destructive digging or chewing.Loss of appetiteLethargy - lack of interest in play and other activitiesObsessive behaviors, such as spinning, chasing their tail, or licking a specific toy or body part.Strategies to help ease behavioral issues and other symptoms associated with fear, anxiety, and trauma in animalsEFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), also known as Tapping, can help alleviate anxiety, fear, trauma and other mental health issues.EFT is a healing modality that can quiet the nervous system.  It involves tapping on a sequence of acupressure points, with the intention of releasing trapped emotions.EFT can heal emotional wounds, alleviate physical pain, and help animals in training and/or working environments to slow down and focus.Prepare your animals by practicing the EFT techniques with your pets prior to the 4th of July or any other stressful event.Attention – Take time for one-on-one interaction and learn to communicate with your animal each day.  Being playful and really connecting with the essence of the animal can help alleviate anxiety and other mental health issues. 

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