Have you wondered if you or someone you know has Long COVID? It's VERY possible!

As of 2023, the CDC estimates that 1 in 5 people, as many as 1 in 3 college students, and a preponderance of menopausal women who have had COVID still experience symptoms more than 3 months—or more—after being infected. Long COVID continues to impact the everyday lives of countless "long haulers" globally. 

On today’s episode, I'm joined by journalist Fiona Lowenstein, an early and prominent voice in the Long COVID patient movement, who wrote the New York Times article that first blew the lid open on Long COVID.

Fiona's story sheds light on the often-overlooked experiences of long haulers, highlights the need for greater awareness and understanding of the condition, and provides hope that healing can happen over time.

We discuss:

Fiona's experience as part of the first wave of people who got sick with COVID in NYC and how little the medical community knew how to help themThe major gap between what COVID long-haulers are experiencing and medical testing Medical gaslighting, racism, homophobia, and how these systemic biases affect many people's abilities to get helpThe similarities between Long COVID and chronic fatigue syndrome and the realities of post-viral illnesses The effects of Long COVID from mental health challenges to neurological issues, chronic fatigue, POTS, and more.How Fiona's started their online peer support group and how this group helps other COVID long-haulersWhat Fiona wishes people who don’t have Long COVID knew about living with the illness and the change they wish to see in the medical community

If you or a loved one is dealing with Long COVID or another invisible illness, I hope that this podcast offers hope, empowerment, and support. Please send this to someone who needs reassurance that they are not alone, or a friend, to help them better understand the realities of chronic invisible disease.

Thank you for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow your host on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to avivaromm.com to join the conversation. Follow Fiona at @fi_lowenstein, check out the Mutual Aid Book Exchange, grab a copy of her book and learn more about The Body Politic at www.fionalowenstein.com