In the ever-changing landscape of trends and choices, it's important to separate the fleeting fads from the timeless practices. Today, we embark on an insightful journey, shining a light on two prominent trends that have taken center stage: Intermittent Fasting (IMF) and Time-Based Eating (TBE) and their profound impact on women's bodies.

Join me as I peel back the layers, shedding light on the unique methodologies of IMF and TBE. We’ll explore the known benefits and potential risks and provide you with valuable insights to help you make informed decisions that resonate with your individual needs and aspirations, no matter what stage of life you're in.

So, take a moment to settle in and let me guide you through the realms of IMF and TBE. Together, we'll navigate the path to optimal women's health and weight management, offering a nurturing and supportive perspective that honors the journey of womanhood. Get ready to embrace a balanced and empowering approach to well-being that will leave you feeling nourished, rejuvenated, and inspired for years to come. 

In this episode, I talk about:

The main differences between and the science behind both IMF/TBEWhat we know (and don’t know) about the benefits – and risks – for women, specificallyWhy I don’t recommend IMF as robustly as I do TBEHow to avoid having a negative impact on your reproductive hormones while doing TBE, especially if you’re very physically activeMy advice for a moderate TBE approach that’s safe and beneficial for pretty much everyoneWho should not practice TBEMy personal approach to TBE and what I recommend in my practice

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