Most people today set goals by writing them down or creating vision boards, but did you know that these tasks may be limiting your success? An accomplished athlete and repeat pageant winner, Mama Z shares how she attained these goals through hard work, affirmations, and visualization.

She and Dr. Z will discuss how you can integrate those techniques for both major events in your life as well as everyday abundant living. Dr. Z explains how vision boards and traditional goal setting techniques can actually limit your dreams and 3 common Bible verses that are often misquoted to support goal setting. Today, you’re going to learn a treasure trove of Bible verses that can help you break through and accomplish greater things than you thought possible! 


Topic introduction and what’s in our diffuser (2:26) Mama Z’s athletic background (10:58) Discipline and Mama Z’s pageant training (17:52) Be sure to check out the special AquaTru made for Natural Living Family members (25:45) Mama Z’s tips on how to visualize for big events and everyday life (26:48) The problem with vision boards and writing goals (36:00) 3 misquoted Bible verses that can hinder goal setting (40:27) Bible verses to set intentions in your heart (44:43) Wrap up, resources and upcoming topic (59:12) Natural Living Tip – An alternative to traditional goal setting and vision boards (1:00:03)