Have ever wondered why some days you get out of bed and you feel great, joyous about moving around, and then other days it's as if you're carrying around a heavy blanket all day and any physical motion whatsoever seems completely daunting? Well, Phoebe Liebling is here to explain. Phoebe is a highly respected clinician and an award-winning product and recipe developer from England. Today, Phoebe breaks down why these energy highs and lows are related not only to our cycles but also to another hormone that we don't tend to talk about. In this episode, we also discuss excess belly fat, why it seems to increase at certain times in our lives, and Phoebe’s top tips for eradicating it. Tuning in, you’ll hear how you can use your energy levels to decide what types of workouts to do, whether or not intermittent fasting is right for you, and how social media trends and good health don’t correlate. Today's the day that we get the inside scoop on all things hormones, energy levels, and belly fat with the amazing Phoebe Liebling, so don’t miss it!

Key Points From This Episode:

An introduction to today’s topic: energy levels, particularly in women.How energy level highs and lows are connected to our hormones.How you can use your energy levels to decide what types of workouts to do.The importance of honoring how your body feels and challenging your assumptions on what exercise should be.Suggestions for different types of exercise based on the timing of your menstrual cycle.Why you should consider what stimulants you’re consuming in the lead-up to your period.Why increased belly fat is not related to the slowing of your metabolism and how to avoid it. An explanation of the relationship between cortisol and insulin.Top tips for eradicating belly fat.Whether or not you really need to be eating breakfast.Phoebe’s views on intermittent fasting and how to approach it.Thoughts on the social media fitness ideal and how trends and good health don’t correlate. How your diet is not always about what you should be removing but also what you should be adding. 

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Natural Nourishment 

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Phoebe Liebling on Twitter

Podcast Ep 41: Taking the Stress Out of Your Nutrition with Phoebe Liebling

"Blood Sugar Balance, Insulin Sensitivity and the Menstrual Cycle"  

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