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National Day Calendar

739 episodes - English - Latest episode: almost 2 years ago - ★★★★★ - 73 ratings

Stay informed with fun facts and stories about what National Days we are celebrating today. Features Singer / Songwriter Anna Devere and the founder of National Day Calendar, Marlo Anderson.

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September 29, 2021 – VFW Day | National Coffee Day

September 29, 2021 02:01 - 3 minutes

Welcome to September 29th, 2021 on the National Day Calendar. Today we celebrate Veterans of Foreign Wars and an iconic buzz. The VFW was founded in 1914 by veterans of the Spanish American War and soldiers who had served in the Philippines. The group was created to secure benefits and medical treatments for the sick and wounded veterans. At the time, soldiers returning home from duty had no Veterans Administration care or pensions. The VFW also enabled veterans to help each other transition...

September 28, 2021 – National Good Neighbor Day | Self-Care Awareness Month

September 28, 2021 02:01 - 3 minutes

Welcome to September 28th, 2021 on the National Day Calendar. Today we celebrate the folks on the porch next door and putting ourselves first. In the early 1970s, National Good Neighbor Day was created by Becky Mattson of Lakeside, Montana. What began as an effort to build goodwill in our communities, became a Presidential Proclamation in 1978. Jimmy Carter said: “As our Nation struggles to build friendship among the peoples of this world, we are mindful that the noblest human concern is con...

September 27, 2021 – National Scarf Day | National Chocolate Milk Day

September 27, 2021 02:01 - 3 minutes

Welcome to September 27th, 2021 on the National Day Calendar. Today we celebrate the little things that comfort the body and soul. More after the break from Anna Devere. Scarves are a wonderful way to brighten up the gloom of fall and winter as they cozy up to our necks and keep us warm. The first scarves depicted in fashion are found in ancient Egypt, where Queen Nefertiti wore a tightly woven scarf beneath her conical headdress. Military ranks were often marked with scarves of varying valu...

September 26, 2021 – National Piano Month | National Pancake Day

September 26, 2021 02:01 - 3 minutes

Welcome to September 26th, 2021 on the National Day Calendar. Today we celebrate tickling the ivories and an ancient breakfast. Before the piano arrived on the scene, the most popular keyboard instrument was the harpsichord. It made beautiful music, but its volume could not be varied while playing. Composers and musicians wanted an instrument with the ability for more controlled expression. This led Bartolomeo Cristofori to create an instrument that allowed musicians to alter volume and tone...

September 25, 2021 – National Ghost Hunting Day | National Comic Book Day

September 25, 2021 02:01 - 3 minutes

Welcome to September 25th, 2021 on the National Day Calendar. Today we celebrate spooky searches and unsung heroes. As a child Ed Warren grew up in a haunted house. His future wife, Lorraine realized that she had clairvoyant abilities. When they married, the two became world-renowned paranormal investigators, helping people with hauntings and supernatural phenomena. Among their most famous cases were Annabelle, a possessed doll and the Amityville Horror. They became so well known that Ed was...

September 24, 2021 – National Punctuation Day | National Cherries Jubilee Day

September 24, 2021 02:01 - 3 minutes

Welcome to September 24th, 2021 on the National Day Calendar. Today we celebrate perfect punctuation and dramatic desserts. Anna: To my parents, Ayn Rand and God!!!! Marlo: Why are you yelling? Anna: I’m just reading the script!  Marlo: Maybe you should dial down the exclamation points. Anna: Haha. Hilarious, Marlo. Well, today is National Punctuation Day and that first sentence opens up a big debate about using the Oxford comma. Marlo: Okay, I’m in on that debate. I don’t use the last comma...

September 23, 2021 – National Checkers Day And Dogs In Politics Day | National Great American Pot Pie Day

September 23, 2021 02:01 - 3 minutes

Welcome to September 23rd, 2021 on the National Day Calendar. Today we celebrate presidential pooches and great American pie.  When Richard Nixon ran as Eisenhower’s Vice President in 1952 he was accused of receiving money and gifts illegally. He told his critics that if they found that he’d done anything wrong he would return everything except a black and white Cocker Spaniel named Checkers. Even politicians have a soft spot for animals. Many presidents have had pets while in the White Hous...

September 22, 2021 – National Centenarian’s Day | Hobbit Day

September 22, 2021 02:01 - 3 minutes

Welcome to September 22nd, 2021 on the National Day Calendar. Today we celebrate living history and small heroes with hairy feet. If you have made it to 100 years old, congratulations! Today we celebrate you on National Centenarian's Day. In the United States alone, there are estimated to be nearly 72,000 centenarians. The youngest of those were born after the end of World War I and the signing of the Treaty of Versailles. They represent a living history full of tales not found in books and ...

September 21, 2021 – National Chai Day | National IT Professional Day

September 21, 2021 02:01 - 3 minutes

Welcome to September 21st, 2021 on the National Day Calendar. Today we celebrate being spicy and the geeks who’ve got our backs. If you're a fan of chai tea, then you may have been drinking it all year long, but for those who celebrate the change in seasons, chai is the perfect spicy pick me up for cooler weather. The word ‘chai’ means ‘tea’ in Hindi, but the original drink didn’t contain tea at all. In fact the milk and sweetener in today’s recipe were added by the British during their occu...

September 20, 2021 – National String Cheese Day | National Fried Rice Day

September 20, 2021 02:01 - 3 minutes

Welcome to September 20th, 2021 on the National Day Calendar. Today we celebrate playing with your food and glorified leftovers. In the 1950s, the popularity of pizza in the U.S. skyrocketed and so did the demand for mozzarella cheese. Baker Cheese Company in St. Cloud, Wisconsin shifted from making cheddar to mozzarella in order to cash in on the craze. The gamble paid off big when this family owned business became a major supplier of mozzarella for many pizzerias. The cheese was shipped ou...

September 19, 2021 – Talk Like A Pirate Day | National Square Dance Month

September 19, 2021 02:01 - 3 minutes

Welcome to September 19th, 2021 on the National Day Calendar. Today we celebrate scurvy sea dogs and cutting a rug. Ahoy, me hearties! Batten down the hatches for one of the best days of the year. It’s Talk Like A Pirate Day, when you can unleash your inner buccaneer and pretend you’re a wiley old sea dog. Why say, “okay” when you can say “Aye Aye” instead? And why let Johnny Depp have all the fun? Some places offer discounts when you dress like a pirate and order like one too. But steer cle...

September 18, 2021 – Air Force Birthday | National Cheeseburger Day

September 18, 2021 02:01 - 3 minutes

Welcome to September 18th, 2021 on the National Day Calendar. Today we celebrate legends in the sky and on the ground. When Chuck Yeager enlisted into the United States Army he knew nothing about airplanes, and had little interest in finding out more. He learned that the Army Air Forces were looking for pilots and the position paid far better than his own at the time. Yeager applied for and got the job, then went on to become a highly decorated fighter pilot, earning the rank of Brigadier Ge...

September 17, 2021 – National Apple Dumpling Day | National Monte Cristo Day

September 17, 2021 02:01 - 3 minutes

Welcome to September 17th, 2021 on the National Day Calendar. Today we celebrate the flavor of Fall and the rise of a swashbuckling sandwich. As soon as the air turns crisp, we look forward to a new season of apples. To savor the season, we celebrate the flavor of Fall with apple dumplings. There are many variations from Bavaria to England, and while they all include apples and some kind of dough, the key difference is how they are cooked. The word dumpling in German means steamed, which is ...

September 16, 2021 – National Pawpaw Day | National Play-Doh Day

September 16, 2021 02:01 - 3 minutes

Welcome to September 16th, 2021 on the National Day Calendar. Today we celebrate an all American fruit and dough reinvented. If you’re a fan of tropical fruits then you’ll know that their origins lie in faraway lands. Which is why it may surprise you to learn that pawpaw originated here in the United States. This fruit is often confused with papaya, though their color, taste and texture are quite different. The pawpaw has been called a Kentucky Banana or Hillbilly Mango, which gives you a hi...

September 15, 2021 – National Felt Hat Day | National Linguine Day

September 15, 2021 02:01 - 3 minutes

Welcome to September 15th, 2021 on the National Day Calendar. Today we celebrate a seasonal topper and wagging your pasta tongue. As Summertime turns to Fall, most of us swap out our closets for cold weather clothes. If you are among the fashion forward, this means pulling out your felt hats. Not so long ago people wouldn’t dare to be seen without a hat on in public. More than a fashion statement, hats have identified our status, our military rank and even our religion. Think Quaker hat or t...

September 14, 2021 – National Ants On A Log Day | National Eat A Hoagie Day

September 14, 2021 02:01 - 2 minutes - 5.72 MB

A Sandwich By Any Other Name Would Taste As Delicious! Welcome to September 14th, 2021 on the National Day Calendar. Today we celebrate a classic snack and a hero by another name. Back to school means packing school lunch and every parent knows that peanut butter is “brain food.” But PB&Js don’t always make the grade and that’s when it’s time for a good old standby: Ants On A Log.  Celery sticks are sturdy and when they’re loaded with peanut butter and studded with raisins, this fun and hea...

September 14, 2021 – National Ants On A Log Day | National Eat A Hoagie Day

September 14, 2021 02:01 - 3 minutes

Welcome to September 14th, 2021 on the National Day Calendar. Today we celebrate a classic snack and a hero by another name. Back to school means packing school lunch and every parent knows that peanut butter is “brain food.” But PB&Js don’t always make the grade and that’s when it’s time for a good old standby: Ants On A Log. Celery sticks are sturdy and when they’re loaded with peanut butter and studded with raisins, this fun and healthy treat can beat any snack attack. The kid-friendly re...

September 13, 2021 – Uncle Sam Day | National Kids Take Over The Kitchen Day

September 13, 2021 02:01 - 3 minutes

Welcome to September 13th, 2021 on the National Day Calendar. Today we celebrate trading places and how our nation got its uncle. If you remember the movie Freaky Friday then you already know this cautionary tale for parents and kids: the grass is not always greener. If parents could step into the life of their children they would discover that it’s not all it’s cracked up to be, and vice versa. Why not meet in the middle by celebrating National Kids Take Over The Kitchen Day? It’s a great w...

September 12, 2021 – National Chocolate Milkshake Day | National Video Games Day

September 12, 2021 02:01 - 3 minutes

Welcome to September 12th, 2021 on the National Day Calendar. Today we celebrate chocolate medicine and a real game changer.  In the late 1800s milkshakes were served in pharmacies as a tonic or medicine. These sturdy eggnog type drinks were spiked with whiskey and other ingredients that were thought to be medicinal. By the 1900s, a more wholesome drink was offered with either chocolate, vanilla or strawberry syrup and none of the alcohol. Malt powder made its debut in the 1870s but both mal...

September 11, 2021 – Patriot Day | National Day Of Service And Remembrance

September 11, 2021 02:01 - 3 minutes

Welcome to September 11th, 2021 on the National Day Calendar. Today we remember the events from two decades ago that affected us all in some way. Sometimes events can bring us together in the spirit of hope. Anyone who remembers 911 can recall the intense emotions of an event that united us in tragedy. As we reflect on that day from a distance now, we pay our respects to the fallen, along with the families who were forever changed. We also remember the heroism of the first responders and cou...

September 10, 2021 – Classical Music Month | National TV Dinner Day

September 10, 2021 02:01 - 3 minutes

Welcome to September 10th, 2021 on the National Day Calendar. Today we celebrate the joy of music and a dinner flashback. While you may not be a fan of classical music, I bet you’ve heard of Beethoven’s 9th Symphony. Ode to Joy is considered to be the composer’s greatest work. What makes this symphony so special is that it was composed when Beethoven was deaf. When the 9th Symphony debuted in 1824, he stood with the conductor in front of the orchestra with his back turned to the audience. As...

September 9, 2021 – National Wiener Schnitzel Day | National Teddy Bear Day

September 09, 2021 02:01 - 3 minutes

Welcome to September 9th, 2021 on the National Day Calendar. Today we celebrate a serious schnitzel and a presidential bear. If the name Wienerschnitzel makes you think of hotdogs, you’re not alone. But true Wiener Schnitzel is an Austrian dish that comes with a few strict rules. In Vienna this dish is made with veal by law and the name “Wiener” is German for Viennese cutlet. A schnitzel is the method of preparing any meat that is pounded thin, breaded and fried. Austrians claim that the rec...

September 8, 2021 – National Ampersand Day | National Mushroom Month

September 08, 2021 02:01 - 3 minutes

Welcome to September 8th, 2021 on the National Day Calendar. Today we celebrate fascinating fungus and the 27th letter. The largest organism on Earth isn’t an animal. It isn’t a tree, either. Surprisingly, it’s a fungus called the honey mushroom that grows in Oregon’s Malheur National Forest. The mushroom has a system that covers nearly 2000 acres, both above and below ground. It’s also estimated to be around 8,000 years old, which makes it one of the oldest living things on the planet. For ...

September 7, 2021 – National Salami Day | National Beer Lover’s Day

September 07, 2021 02:01 - 3 minutes

Welcome to September 7th, 2021 on the National Day Calendar. Today we celebrate learning how the sausage is made and a top down love for beer. While American cuisine boasts an array of international flavors, today we celebrate an Italian favorite. The Latin word “salumen” means a mixture of salted meats. Salami is a generic term used to describe any encased meat product, but in Italy this typically means pork. In the same way that cheeses are named for the place in which they’re made, salami...

September 6, 2021 – National Read A Book Day | Labor Day

September 06, 2021 02:01 - 3 minutes

Welcome to September 6th, 2021 on the National Day Calendar. Today we celebrate taking a virtual trip and a job well done. One of the easiest ways to travel the world is to crack open a good book. Take a trip to Middle Earth, fight dragons and save the world from impending doom. Or hop a train at Platform Nine and Three-Quarters to enroll in a school for witches and wizards. And if romance is more your thing, get swept off your feet to the moors of Northern England. Books can take you anywhe...

September 5, 2021 – National Honey Month | National Cheese Pizza Day

September 05, 2021 02:01 - 3 minutes

Welcome to September 5th, 2021 on the National Day Calendar. Today we celebrate small miracles and the simply sublime. Bees work very hard to make honey. In fact, a hive can produce up to 100 pounds of the sweet stuff each year. To put that in perspective, it takes approximately 768 bees who fly over 55,000 miles to visit 2 million flowers just to make a single pound of honey. And thank goodness that they do because not only does honey power the hive, it has tremendous health benefits for hu...

September 4, 2021 – National Wildlife Day | National Newspaper Carrier Day

September 04, 2021 02:01 - 3 minutes

Welcome to September 4th, 2021 on the National Day Calendar. Today we celebrate the call of the wild and one kid who changed the newspaper industry. Did you know that tiger stripes are as unique as human fingerprints? Or that otters hold hands while they sleep to keep from drifting apart in the water? The natural world is a curious place, full of fascinating animals that most of us will never see in person, unless you live close to a zoo. But thanks to filmmakers such as Sir David Attenborou...

September 3, 2021 – National Welsh Rarebit Day | National College Colors Day

September 03, 2021 02:01 - 3 minutes

Welcome to September 3rd, 2021 on the National Day Calendar. Today we celebrate poor man’s rabbit and team spirit. We all know that nicknames have a way of sticking with us. Take the name “Welsh Rarebit” for example. This basic dish of toasted bread with cheese sauce contains no actual rabbit and was originally called caws pobi in 16th Century Wales. The countrymen loved it so much that a joke sprang up at the time. It was said that God asked St. Peter to get rid of the Welsh from heaven as ...

September 2, 2021 – Fall Hat Month | National Americana Month

September 02, 2021 02:01 - 3 minutes

Welcome to September 2nd, 2021 on the National Day Calendar. Today we celebrate topping things off and the heart strings that tie us all together. The image of the bowler derby immediately calls to mind British gentlemen walking around London with an umbrella at their side. But this chapeau was conceived for the countryside. Edward Cook, a British politician, wanted a hat that was well suited for hunting. The traditional hats at the time were tall and would be knocked off when walking or rid...

September 1, 2021 – National Burnt Ends Day | National Chicken Boy Day

September 01, 2021 02:01 - 3 minutes

Welcome to September 1st, 2021 on the National Day Calendar. Today we celebrate burnt ends and new beginnings. While fans of barbecue have their personal favorite when it comes to style, Kansas City has one of the most distinctive takes on barbecue. Yes, there are ribs and pulled pork, but Kansas City is known for its burnt ends. This favorite is a cut from the tip of a smoked brisket. The outside is charred from the heat, but the inside is where the drippings collect, making for a flavorful...

August 31, 2021 – National Matchmaker Day | National Trail Mix Day

August 31, 2021 02:01 - 3 minutes

Welcome to August 31st, 2021 on the National Day Calendar. Today we celebrate cupid’s little helpers and snacks that go the distance. Before online dating sites, the art of matchmaking was devised by a few brave souls who were willing to fire cupid’s arrows. The comic and tragic results of the professional matchmaker are portrayed by Will Smith in the movie Hitch, though occasionally, things work out smoothly. When Kat McClain got fed up with cupid’s algorithms, she turned to a professional ...

August 30, 2021 – National Beach Day | National Toasted Marshmallow Day

August 30, 2021 02:01 - 3 minutes

Welcome to August 30th, 2021 on the National Day Calendar. Today we celebrate finding our happy place and dessert on a stick. Someone once said, “Happiness is a day at the beach.” That pretty much sums it up! The beach can be the very best place to get away from it all, with the smell of the salty air, the sand crunching between your toes and the sound of waves crashing into the shore. Just thinking about it makes you want to hop in the car and drive to the ocean. And if you want to avoid th...

August 29, 2021 – National Chop Suey Day | National Lemon Juice Day

August 29, 2021 02:01 - 3 minutes

Welcome to August 29th, 2021 on the National Day Calendar. Today we celebrate odds and ends and all the ways we love lemon. Alan Davidson calls the origin of chop suey a prime example of culinary mythology. It is believed that the name means “assorted pieces” and this name fits the hodge podge of myths surrounding its creation. Though the Chinese don’t claim the dish, they are usually at the heart of its stories, which go back as far as the 1860s. A Chinese chef in San Francisco was reported...

August 28, 2021 – National Red Wine Day | National Power Rangers Day

August 28, 2021 02:01 - 3 minutes

Welcome to August 28th, 2021 on the National Day Calendar. Today we celebrate cheesy shows and seeing red. If you’re a fan of Zordon or Rita Repulsa, then you know exactly what we’re celebrating today. Although this kid’s show was pieced together with old footage from a Japanese TV show, Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers was a huge hit in 1993. Five teenagers transformed into...well, Power Rangers, who then merged into a giant robot that fought monsters. Yeah, it sounds crazy, but if you grew up...

August 27, 2021 – National Pots De Creme Day | National Just Because Day

August 27, 2021 02:01 - 3 minutes

Welcome to August 27th, 2021 on the National Day Calendar. Today we celebrate getting to the good stuff and doing things “just because.” Pots of cream may not sound delicious but pots de creme deserves its own celebration. Think of it as a cousin to crème brûlée. Both are made with simple ingredients of cream, eggs and flavorings, which are baked into pots or individual ramekins for a super rich and creamy flavor. Today most people think of pots de creme as a chocolate dessert though its tex...

August 26, 2021 – National Women’s Equality Day | National Dog Day

August 26, 2021 02:01 - 3 minutes

Welcome to August 26th, 2021 on the National Day Calendar. Today we celebrate women’s rights and man’s best friend. On this day in 1920 the United States Congress passed the 19th Amendment to the Constitution granting women full and equal voting rights. While it may sound preposterous to our young women today, this amendment was 80 years in the making, if you take into account that the seeds of unrest were sown in the early 1800s. That’s when Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, along w...

August 25, 2021 – National Park Service Founders Day | National Banana Split Day

August 25, 2021 02:01 - 3 minutes

Welcome to August 25th, 2021 on the National Day Calendar. Today we celebrate the great outdoors and one successful apprentice. After serving in the Union Army during the Civil War, Ferdinand Hayden did geographical surveys of the Grand Canyon and what would become the Western United States. One particular region of Northwestern Wyoming caught his attention and he petitioned the government to explore and document this area. Along with photographer William Henry Jackson and painter Thomas Mor...

August 24, 2021 – National Waffle Day | National Peach Pie Day

August 24, 2021 02:01 - 3 minutes

Welcome to August 24th, 2021 on the National Day Calendar. Today we celebrate a tasty debate and Summertime’s freshest pie. There are two kinds of people: pancake people and waffle people. Sure pancakes are delicious, but if you like to pile on the toppings, waffles are just built better for the job. It was likely this feature that encouraged Cornelias Swarthout to patent the waffle iron in 1869. Though this tasty breakfast has been around since the 14th Century, the invention made waffles m...

August 23, 2021 – National Sponge Cake Day | National Ride The Wind Day

August 23, 2021 02:01 - 3 minutes

Welcome to August 23rd, 2021 on the National Day Calendar. Today we celebrate challenging new heights in the kitchen and on the runway. If you enjoy a good baking challenge, set your sights on the airy rise of a perfect sponge cake. One of the most difficult cakes for bakers to master, sponge cake makes the perfect backdrop for berries and cream or even a simple dusting of powdered sugar. And if you are intrigued by this challenge, here are a few tips to ensure your success. Start with sifti...

August 22, 2021 – National Bao Day | National Tooth Fairy Day

August 22, 2021 02:01 - 3 minutes

Welcome to August 22nd, 2021 on the National Day Calendar. Today we celebrate food that takes a bow and magical dentistry. During the Three Kingdoms era of China, a general and his troops found their way home was blocked by a raging river. The river god told the general that passage would only be granted if he cut off 50 of his soldiers’ heads and threw them into the river. Instead, the general ordered his cooks to create buns that looked like heads and threw them in the river instead. And, ...

August 21, 2021 – World Honey Bee Day | National Spumoni Day

August 21, 2021 02:01 - 3 minutes

Welcome to August 21st, 2021 on the National Day Calendar. Today we celebrate an industrious insect and dessert Italian style. If you think the humble honey bee is just another bug, think again! While they seem to be aimlessly buzzing from flower to flower, they’re actually performing a valuable task. It’s estimated that over one third of our United States food production depends on bees pollinating crops. Farmers spend millions of dollars renting beehives that help this process. Without hon...

August 20, 2021 – National Chocolate Pecan Pie Day | National Radio Day

August 20, 2021 02:01 - 3 minutes

Welcome to August 20th, 2021 on the National Day Calendar. Today we celebrate amazing mashups in the kitchen and in the lab. Few things are as sweet as the Southern favorite pecan pie, but when someone decided to add chocolate, this candy-like dessert went over the top. Pecan trees are native to the American South, and this classic pie sprung up in the region around the late 1800s. Though sugar pies with a mixture of eggs, sugar and flavorings existed throughout Europe before then, the addit...

August 19, 2021 – National Potato Day | National Aviation Day

August 19, 2021 02:01 - 3 minutes

Welcome to August 19th, 2021 on the National Day Calendar. Today we celebrate playing with our food and more than a century in the wild blue yonder. For as long as anyone can remember, parents have told their children to not play with their food. But Mr. Potato Head changed that. In the late 1940s, Mr. Potato Head—or at least parts of him—were included in cereal boxes. Kids would collect the body parts and piece them together with actual potatoes to make the character. It wasn’t until the 19...

August 18, 2021 – National Pinot Noir Day | National Fajita Day

August 18, 2021 02:01 - 3 minutes

Welcome to August 18th, 2021 on the National Day Calendar. Today we celebrate fussy grapes and a satisfying sizzle. Pinot noir grapes are notoriously hard to grow. Too much weather variation can ruin a crop very quickly. Plus, the grapes grow in tight, cone-like clusters, which can be a problem because the fruit is extremely thin-skinned. This growth pattern is what gives the grape—and the wine—its name. The clusters look a bit like pine cones, and the skin is dark. Pinot noir. Oenophiles kn...

August 17, 2021 – National Nonprofit Day | Black Cat Appreciation Day

August 17, 2021 02:01 - 3 minutes

Welcome to August 17th, 2021 on the National Day Calendar. Today we celebrate cool cats and doing something good. Perspective is everything. Take, for example, the black cat. In Ancient Egypt, cats were considered a sign of good luck. This is because felines helped to keep rats and mice away from food in storage. But in Europe, the same animal was seen as unlucky. As you’ve no doubt heard, a black cat crossing your path is bad luck. Mythology of Greek and Norse gods of the underworld were co...

August 16, 2021 – National Roller Coaster Day | National Rum Day

August 16, 2021 02:01 - 3 minutes

Welcome to August 16th, 2021 on the National Day Calendar. Today we celebrate the need for speed and the spirit of the islands. Roller coasters attract adrenaline junkies to amusement parks around the world. These rides are thrilling and sometimes scary. But oddly enough, they were invented to keep people away from drinking and gambling. LaMarcus Adna Thompson built the first roller coaster in Coney Island, New York and it became very popular. The cars were powered only by gravity and someti...

August 15, 2021 – National Relaxation Day | National Lemon Meringue Pie Day

August 15, 2021 02:01 - 3 minutes

Welcome to August 15th, 2021 on the National Day Calendar. Today we celebrate kicking up our feet and a cheerful pastry. The world seems to go a million miles an hour and we all need time to ourselves to decompress. For some, it’s meditation. For others, it’s getting a massage. And for a select few, it’s putting your feet in water and letting small fish chew away at dead skin. No really. That’s a thing. Fish pedicures are perfectly safe but it’s not for the squeamish. The point is that anyth...

August 14, 2021 – National Bowling Day | National Code Talkers Day

August 14, 2021 02:01 - 3 minutes

Welcome to August 14th, 2021 on the National Day Calendar. Today we celebrate a game with a checkered past and a code that changed the game. In the 1830s and 40s, officials in Connecticut passed a law to ban bowling. Apparently, the excessive gambling associated with the sport made it a threat to public welfare. Bowling at the time consisted of 9 pins, which is what the state outlawed. As a way to get around this, bowlers added an extra pin, creating the 10-pin game we know today. This new v...

August 13, 2021 – National Filet Mignon Day | International Left Handers Day

August 13, 2021 02:01 - 3 minutes

Welcome to August 13th, 2021 on the National Day Calendar. Today we celebrate left handed compliments and celebrity Southpaws. If you’ve ever wondered, “Where’s the beef?” after being served a filet mignon, then it’s probably not the steak for you. Mignon means “cute” in French and while filet refers to the most quality cut of the tenderloin, beauty is definitely in the eye of the beholder. The French use the term filet mignon to describe pork not steak and you would have to ask for filet de...

August 12, 2021 – National Middle Child Day | National Vinyl Record Day

August 12, 2021 02:01 - 3 minutes

Welcome to August 12th, 2021 on the National Day Calendar. Today we celebrate rocking the world and rocking around the clock. What do Abraham Lincoln, Walt Disney, and Thor have in common? Go ahead. Take a second to think about it. Give up? They’re all middle children. Well, not the actual Thor. It’s Chris Hemsworth—the actor who plays him. And oddly enough, so is Tom Hiddleston, who plays Loki right beside him. Middle children are often ignored while their parents lavish attention on their ...