Which Kind Of Road Tripper Are You; The Tourist Or The Pilot?

Welcome to May 28th, 2021 on the National Day Calendar. Today we celebrate a fast food favorite and taking the road less traveled. 

In the 1950s, one of the hottest new appliances for restaurants was the Multimixer, a blender that could make up to 6 milkshakes at once. And this is what brought a young salesman named Ray Kroc to a burger joint owned by the McDonald’s brothers. Kroc was so impressed by their operation that he partnered with them to franchise the restaurant. By 1958, McDonald’s restaurants had sold over 100 million burgers and that number is now in the hundreds of billions. Their hamburgers are easily the most famous burger on the planet. And if it weren’t for an ambitious salesman, we may never have heard of McDonald’s. On National Hamburger Day, grab your own favorite, whether fast or slow.

When it comes to road trips there are two kinds of travelers, the tourist and the pilot.  The tourist likes to take their time.  They’re looking for those lesser known sights found on the road less travelled.  Tourists stop more often for snacks and any handwritten sign advertising local treats.  The pilot, on the other hand, is on a mission. Program the GPS with minimal stops so that passengers arrive ahead of schedule,  even when they’re protesting for more potty breaks or a ride on the giant dinosaur!  No matter which kind of traveler you are, travel centers have got you covered.  Be sure to plan a route that has plenty of fuel, food and travel necessities along the way so you can celebrate the journey that brings families together on National Road Trip Day.  

I’m Anna Devere and I’m Marlo Anderson.  Thanks for joining us as we Celebrate Every Day.