Believe It Or Not This Invention Took Its Sweet Time Becoming Useful.

Welcome to May 27th, 2021 on the National Day Calendar. Today we celebrate happy accidents and inventions that really stick. 

Like so many good things, the Popsicle’s creation was a happy accident.  In 1905, 11 year-old Frank Epperson was sitting on his front porch, stirring a cupful of powdered soda and water with a stick.  That night was unusually cold, and by the next morning the forgotten mixture left out on the porch was transformed into a frozen pop.  Today the Popsicle is the quintessential Summertime treat, thanks to a few other inventions like the freezer.  On National Grape Popsicle Day, chill out with the happy accident that never goes out of style.

Some inventions are an overnight success while others take a little more time.  Richard Gurley Drew began his career as an inventor in 1920 when he worked for the 3M company in St. Paul, MN. He created invisible tape in 1930 for the cellophane packages sold in bakeries and grocery stores.  But when Dupont introduced heat sealing cellophane, Richard found that his invention had completely missed the mark.  3M knew a good thing when they saw it though, and today you’d be hard pressed to find a home that didn’t have multiple rolls of Scotch tape. On National Cellophane Tape Day, celebrate the inventions that capitalize on sticktoitiveness. 

I’m Anna Devere and I’m Marlo Anderson.  Thanks for joining us as we Celebrate Every Day.