Hello PR friends! For this episode, I wanted to explore a topic that is relatively new to me and my team and is certainly evolving: affiliate programs.

We understand the principles of these programs and have implemented them for a few clients. But we aim to make it a well-oiled and effective service to offer to our clients.

Perhaps in a few months, I will have a different opinion of what many in the United States call "Affiliate PR."

So, here's where we stand today and what I understand about "affiliation."

The platforms where influencers can sign up to receive a percentage or a fixed amount of the sales they generate are becoming more numerous.

I am particularly looking at what Amazon is doing in this regard, as they often lead the way in all things related to the web.

So, why am I interested in affiliate programs? For over a year now, every time we present our clients' products in New York or Los Angeles, stylists, and an increasing number of journalists in the fashion industry, ask us if our clients have an arrangement with their publishing house to talk about their new products and insert a clickable link.

And yes, that famous link that readers can click to go to our client's sales site, where they will be offered a percentage if the sale is completed, of course.

As is often the case, our American friends are ahead of the curve on this topic, but I see more and more magazines featuring products with links that direct the reader to the websites of Sephora, Amazon, major pharmacy chains, or any site other than that of our clients.

We can understand why magazines are embracing this new system because traditional advertising revenue often no longer suffices to ensure their survival. These new earnings are obviously essential, it must be said.

Affiliation is also offered to influencers who talk about certain products to their community, offering them a code or a specific discount.

This code allows the brand to know if the influencer's community is interested in their brand and is purchasing their products.

And quite often, it's not the influencers perceived as representing the brand in the best way that generate the most sales.

More than once, we have seen our clients' opinions change upon seeing the sales of influencers who were not among their top candidates.

But when the sales roll in, the aesthetics of photos and videos suddenly become less important.

Yes, sales speak, it's the name of the game.

What about you? Have you implemented an affiliate program?

Are you satisfied with it? I would love to hear from you on this subject.

Feel free to contact me; you will find my contact information on our website.

Also, if you're interested in exploring a part of our program, I invite you to sign up for our Workshop/3-DAY Challenge. It consists of three short 30-minute presentations where you can start writing your press release and finding journalists and influencers.

The link is at the bottom of the episode.

I hope to see you at the workshop

Workshop/3-DAY Challenge 








