Nat Chat is back! I am excited to bring you an audio version of my Monday Medley, an email newsletter where I provide interesting finds from around the Internet, spanning as broad of topics as the rest of my website.

Resources mentioned:

75% Rule (1:04) Scale by Geoffrey West (1:52) The Brain (2:09) I sent the authors a couple questions (2:36) Sovereignty (2:51) Their "Dream" product (3:19) Original animated movies and the live action remakes (4:46) Why the "Karen" meme naming is so accurate (5:13) Terry (5:50) Supercharge Your Productivity with Notion (6:02) Effortless Output course (7:17) what my setup looks like now (7:23) The Way of Zen (9:04) Is economic growth over? (10:16) What happened in 1971 (11:11) The Sovereign Individual (11:35) interesting interview of Andy Mant (14:08) Unconventional Medicine by Chris Kresser (14:52) Wearing sunglasses might mess with the signals our body needs (16:02)     

If you want to support the Medley and my other writing, there are many ways you can do that here.

And should you come across anything interesting this week, tweet me @nateliason. I'd love to hear your thoughts and neat things you may come across!

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