Previous Episode: Living In Reality
Next Episode: Certainly Uncertain

In today’s episode the boys talk about what animals they are most like, gender identity, the ability to commit, and the differences between being cringey, douchey, and creepy. There are an endless list of adjectives people use to describe behavior: Cocky, Pretentious, Creative, Intelligent, Pessimistic, Charismatic, Disciplined, Curious, etc. The interesting thing is that two people can perform the same action, but be defined by opposite adjectives. Our mannerisms and non-verbal signals determine whether we come across confident and attractive or awkward and gross. These traits are inherent to our individuality. Without them, we would all be clones spewing the same exact bullshit. That is why the boys felt the need to applaud those who were born Cringey, Douchey, and Creepy. You guys are the real MVP!