A healthy functioning immune system lives in a healthy body. Optimising nutrition intake is vital to boosting immune function, staying healthy and sustaining high levels of energy that are needed to run a small business.
Teresa is a registered nutritionist with a passion for educating and inspiring others to make healthy changes that will have a positive, long-lasting impact on their lives. She is a StriveStronger nutritionist and Performance Coach as well as being the onsite nutritionist at Natural Therapy Associates.Teresa specialises in a range of health issues including obesity, diabetes/pre-diabetes, metabolic syndrome, weight loss, sports nutrition, stress and anxiety. Along with her clinical work, Teresa presents workshops motivating individuals and groups with fitness and wellness challenges for a variety of corporate clients. Prior to studying nutrition Teresa worked as a hairdresser and understands all too well the demands placed on small business owners and their employees.Teresa regularly appears on Weekend Sunrise and writes about a variety of health and nutrition topics for Fitness First magazine, Taste Online, Women’s Health and Fitness, Prevention magazine and Body & Soul.
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