Are the Bushes, Clintons, and Obamas satanic cannibal paedos who harvest children for their precious fluids, or do you have schizophrenia?

In this episode, we talked about Milo Yiannopoulos getting rejected by furries, Ben Shapiro obsessing over Brett Kavanaugh’s Penis, a college professor getting fired over Qanon, and Jordan Peterson going to rehab for Klonopin addiction.

We make up some new words, and we talk about what would happen if Aleister Crowley fought L Ron Hubbard in a conspiracy deathmatch. 

Finally, we settle for once and all which is the better app: Facebook or Twitter.

Links Mentioned:

Furries ban Milo Yiannopoulos from FurFest convention Twitter Users Destroy Ben Shapiro After He Demands to Know What Brett Kavanaugh’s Penis Looks Like Mesa College Fires Professor Who Promoted QAnon Conspiracy Theory  Jordan Peterson is in rehab for Klonopin addiction 

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