Shamanda's in trouble as the situation in Borora becomes dire. Meanwhile, the rest of the gang works together unusually well to take down a particularly thorny monster. Well, a viney monster. It's a monster vine.
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Rashawn Nadine Scott - Shamanda Felt: @rashawnscott
Jeff Murdoch - Adam Miller: @jmurdoink (Instagram), @jsmurd (Twitter)
Erin Rein - Krashlee Grenadine: @thaterinrein
Claire Linic - Susan Wexler: @clairelinic
Alan Linic - CEJ: @alanlinic
Tyler Samples - everybody else: @tlrsmpls
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Shamanda's in trouble as the situation in Borora becomes dire. Meanwhile, the rest of the gang works together unusually well to take down a particularly thorny monster. Well, a viney monster. It's a monster vine.


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Find us on Instagram and Twitter! @mysterycounty

Rashawn Nadine Scott - Shamanda Felt: @rashawnscott

Jeff Murdoch - Adam Miller: @jmurdoink (Instagram), @jsmurd (Twitter)

Erin Rein - Krashlee Grenadine: @thaterinrein

Claire Linic - Susan Wexler: @clairelinic

Alan Linic - CEJ: @alanlinic

Tyler Samples - everybody else: @tlrsmpls

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