Shamanda's body and personal relationships begin to slip away from her, and she refuses to make it easier for herself or anyone else. But as she falls, the rest of the club rise to the challenge of saving her, some in a much more literal fashion than others.
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Rashawn Nadine Scott - Shamanda Felt: @rashawnscott
Jeff Murdoch - Adam Miller: @jmurdoink (Instagram), @jsmurd (Twitter)
Erin Rein - Krashlee Grenadine: @thaterinrein
Claire Linic - Susan Wexler: @clairelinic
Alan Linic - CEJ: @alanlinic
Tyler Samples - everybody else: @tlrsmpls
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Shamanda's body and personal relationships begin to slip away from her, and she refuses to make it easier for herself or anyone else. But as she falls, the rest of the club rise to the challenge of saving her, some in a much more literal fashion than others.


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Find us on Instagram and Twitter! @mysterycounty

Rashawn Nadine Scott - Shamanda Felt: @rashawnscott

Jeff Murdoch - Adam Miller: @jmurdoink (Instagram), @jsmurd (Twitter)

Erin Rein - Krashlee Grenadine: @thaterinrein

Claire Linic - Susan Wexler: @clairelinic

Alan Linic - CEJ: @alanlinic

Tyler Samples - everybody else: @tlrsmpls

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