Dear friend and inventor, Robby Besner, joins the show to talk about all the incredible benefits that you can get from using full spectrum infrared heating pads. Robby recently developed an infrared heating pad that has been shown to help with so many health conditions, like pain, inflammation, stress, sleep, blood circulation, improved HRV, and much more. Infrared heating pads are key if you suffer from acute injuries, old injuries, chronic pain, a variety of chronic disease, or are just looking to detox and help your body recover from everyday stressors. Lots of great infrared topics covered in today’s episode so make sure to tune in if you’ve been interested in investing in an infrared heating device!


On today’s podcast, you will learn:

How infrared wavelengths help our body heal. The major differences between infrared heating pads and traditional heating pads. The major health benefits of using an infrared heating pad. Robby’s line of amazing infrared healing pads. How infrared pads help reduce stress and improve HRV. How they improve sleep and your sleep cycles. Why Robby added Jade stones to his healing pads.


Robby Besner's Bio:

Rob Besner, PSc.D, CEO and Chief Science Officer of Therasage, has always been an advocate of natural health and wellness. Graduating from Boston University in Pre-Med, Engineering, Psychology and Business, he continued onto post graduate work at Case Western Medical School and Holistic Medicine. 

After many years of illness, Mr. Besner’s daughter was diagnosed with Lyme disease. This began his mission to find alternative, holistic and homeopathic avenues of treatment. He discovered the natural healing effects of infrared frequencies and began developing specialized devices and applications to help his daughter with her health challenge. 

When he saw the positive results, he felt compelled to share what he had discovered, and formed, recognized as the leader in integrated Infrared technology. Therasage has built a reputation with the healthcare community and mainstream public by educating and creating special cutting edge applications and protocols.

Robby is a professor for the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies, annual contributor at the World Committee on Infrared, a member of the Education Committee of the Hippocrates Health Institute, a presenter at many medical, integrative, and anti-aging health conferences, a contributor on podcasts, on-line summits, radio and TV shows around the world. He’s a best selling author and considered a leading scientist in the field of Integrated InfraRed technology. He continues to research and develop new applications to bring the power of healing with nature to the world.

You can learn more about Robby and the products he developed at


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Dr. Wendy Myers, ND, FDN-P, NC, CHHC is a best-selling author, podcast host, and expert in detoxification, specializing in the adverse effects of heavy metal exposure. Wendy founded Myers Detox to share her research and support people in restoring wellness with natural detox solutions.