Stefanos Sifandos, relationship expert, joins the show to talk about how to find your power in a relationship, how to improve your communication with your partner, and the top ingredients needed to have a fulfilling relationship!

Stefanos has so many amazing relationship tips, and covers some of the most important aspects of what makes relationships sink or swim. He also goes over the importance of working on yourself in order to have a healthy relationship, including addressing emotional trauma! (one of my favorite topics) If you’re looking to improve your relationship or just want some awesome advice on creating a more prosperous partnership, this is a great episode! 


On today’s podcast, you will learn:

The most important aspects of healthy relationships. How to prevent self-abandoning to make a relationship work. The main things you need to focus on to attract your ideal partner. How your primary caregiver relationships impact your adult relationships. Why it is key to address your own trauma! When is it right to call quits in a relationship? The top ingredients for fulfilling, happy relationships. How polarity, gender roles, and energetic balances affects relationships. Stefanos’s techniques he uses with his clients.


Stefanos Sifandos' Bio:

Stefanos is a trained educator and relationship expert with a background in behavioral science. He is passionate about leading people closer to their highest potential. He helps men and women escape negative patterns and cultivate a positive sense of self as well as restructuring and re-framing their relationships with themselves and their loved ones.

You can learn more about Stefanos and his work at


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Dr. Wendy Myers, ND, FDN-P, NC, CHHC is a best-selling author, podcast host, and expert in detoxification, specializing in the adverse effects of heavy metal exposure. Wendy founded Myers Detox to share her research and support people in restoring wellness with natural detox solutions.