Classcraft, bringing gamification to your class - with Sam Schneider (Middle School Music Teacher) - It's not just for video games!


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Classcraft Website

From the Classcraft Website:

Student Engagement Matters - Engagement has a profound impact on everything in your classroom, from student behavior, motivation, and academic performance to the overall culture. When engagement drops, learning suffers.

Through gaming principles that address motivation, Classcraft’s ecosystem of integrated tools reframes your students' progress in school as a collaborative game they play together throughout the year — rewiring social dynamics to build a fun, more empathetic classroom and facilitating a supportive environment where students thrive.

Twitter: @Classcraftgame

Instagram: @Classcraftgame


Sam Schneider:

Sam Schneider is a middle school music teacher from New Jersey. His background is in instrumental music, but since beginning at his current school in 2011, he has focused primarily on general music and music technology. He is a tech junkie, a proud geek (and runs the G.E.E.E.K. club at his school), and a Classcraft Ambassador.


B.Mus. Musical Arts/Teacher Education (Vanderbilt University); M.Ed Secondary Education (Vanderbilt University); currently pursuing Principal's Certificate


Sam tells us how he uses Classcraft, “Classcraft started out as my classroom management overlay: a system of rewards and punishments that I could implement and my students could follow which helped alleviate some of the "bad guy" responsibility from me. Then they started adding features like interactive class content where I could post assignments, boss battle formative assessments, and then eventually quests which are self-paced lessons or units.”


Books mentioned:

The Last Lecture


Contact information for Sam Schneider:

Twitter:  @schmazzy


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