At some stage, we will all arrive at this point in our lives.  It’s the point where we are literally crying out to the Universal Creator to “fix it!”  Or for the answer to the question, “What must I do next?”  Very few of us make it through life, without hitting our preverbal emotional “brick” wall, or, spiraling down into our self created abyss.  It matters not whether you believe in God or something greater than self.   You see, whether you are a believer, atheist or agnostic when we are crying out into the ethos for HELP; for guidance, comfort, solace and peace, we are all alike.  We are looking to the Universal Supply for our salvation, or our solution.  We are wanting God or your chosen deity to “Fix It!”  The irony with this is in order for you to receive any help, divine or otherwise, you must have an idea of what you want. Solution and salvation are one in the same they are both found within the question and the problem.

Join me Dr. Wendy Dearborne Choice Expert and Olivia Lashley Expression Artist as we explore the Universal Creators role in “fixing” our lives.