This episode we meet Mark Mori who is working to complete The Baristas Vs The Billionaire a documentary about Starbucks Workers United (SBWU) in their quest to unionize the over 15,000 Starbucks stores nationwide. We have a great talk about the process of making a documentary film like this and the work he has done in the past.

A trailer and information about the film is linked here The Baristas Vs The Billionaire 

There is also a Kickstarter Campaign to help fund this film follow the link for more The Baristas Vs The Billionaire Movie 

The link for the International Uranium Film Festival to learn more about the Mark Mori production Building Bombs. This tour of the US includes the re-Release of Building Bombs. 

We also talked about his TV Emmy Winner Kent State The Day The War Came Home

Also we include an overview of the Eric Blanc article from Jacobin on SBWU and why their victories are so important to the labor movement as a whole in 2024. Follow this link to read the article; Seven Lessons From Starbucks Uniteds Historic Victories. 

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The CWA Communications Workers of America visit them at to learn more about organizing in your workplace. 

UAW Local 2209 an amalgamated union with over 4,000 members in NE Indiana.

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