Meet author, organizer and activist Ken Grossinger His first book Art Works talks about the melding of Art and Movements. This is an easy and quick read and brings together the ideas of joining Arts and Culture. It is all around us and growing as we win with the power of Art joining Movements in this world. Learn more about the Art Works publisher and Fearless Reading by visiting their website The New Press. We talk for about 40 minutes and cover several campaigns and the genesis for writing this book.

Follow the link here to immerse yourself in the Spotify Art Works music. This playlist is a companion to the book.

On Twitter you can find Ken and his book @ArtWorksBook 

The book is detailed at his website 

As always we have a link to  Powell's Books in OR. You can purchase the book from a Union Shop, represented by ILWU Local 5. The link is here Art Works Book at Powell's Books 

Special thanks to for their support of My Labor Radio You have questions about organizing your workplace? contact an organizer at the Communications Workers of America to find out the steps you can take to Be Wise and Organize. 

Special thanks to the membership of UAW Local for their support of My Labor Radio

Thanks for listening, You can find us at My Labor  - All our shows are in a directory you can easily roll through, @MyLaborRadio 

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