Leslie Caubble, who recently moved to Maui, shares what went through her mind on the morning of Jan. 13, 2017 when an errant missile alert made her think she was about to die. And host Keith McArthur speaks with mindfulness contributor Joelle Anderson about the differences and similarities between meditation and yoga.

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On the morning of Jan. 13, 2017, people across the state of Hawaii received an alert on their phones warning that ballistic missiles were on the way. “THIS IS NOT A DRILL,” the alert read in all caps. 37 minutes later a second text went out which let people know that, in fact, it was all a mistake. But in the meantime, more than 1-million people wondered if their lives were about to end. One of these people was Leslie Caubble who blogs and podcasts about living in Hawaii at The Aloha 360.

In this conversation, Keith and Leslie discuss:

Why the Caubble family moved to Hawaii [1:49] Leslie gets the alert on her phone [4:29] Leslie's initial thoughts and feelings [6:47] We reference Leslie's blog post where she writes about 37 random thoughts during those 37 anxious minutes The Caubbles prepare their home for an imminent missile strike [10:04] Leslie wondered if she was going to die [12:02] Leslie writes her kids an "I'm about to die, I love you" text. [13:40] The first clues this wasn't real [16:59] How the even changed Leslie [18:50] Can an event like this make Hawaii kinder and more compassionate? [21:58] [24:51] Leslie Caubble's Instruction Manual

1. What are the habits you maintain every day to stay happy and healthy? [25:09]

Start of day by reading Bible or some other devotional or inspirational reading Make a to-do list and block her time for the day Set aside some time to be outside in nature every day

 2. What personal development book do you recommend? [26:42]

The One Thing by Gary Keller  "I use it every day, just the whole premise of it." Book she wants to read: The Road Back To You

3. Favorite personal mantra / inspirational quote [28:17] 

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and don't lean on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths." Proverbs 3:5-6

4. What's your one guilty pleasure? [29:00] 

Flying (as a pilot)

5. When your time comes, how do you want to be remembered? [29:23]

As a humble servant to God, her husband, her children and to the people around her. "That I served others around me with love and grace and mercy and patience." [30:09] Where to find Leslie Website (blog and podcast): thealoha360.com Instagram: @lcaubble Twitter: @lesliecaubble Pinterest: /LeslieCaubble [31:17] Mindfulness contributor Joelle Anderson on the similarities and differences between yoga and meditation

Joelle Anderson is a therapist specializing in mindfulness meditation and creator and host of the Kernel of Wisdom YouTube channel.

In this conversation, Keith and Joelle discuss:

What are the similarities / differences between yoga and meditation? [31:34] Should we do both?   [32:36] Slower forms of yoga are best for mindfulness, but any kind of will do. It's more about shifting to a more mindful mindset when you practice [33:55] Where to follow and connect with Joelle [34:54] Kernelofwisdom.com YouTube.com/KernelofWisdom1 [35:19] Closing words


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