Jeff Chegin and Carmela DiClemente, co-authors of Dare to Win, explain how failure helped some of the world's most successful people including Steven King, Adele and David Bowie. And host Keith McArthur speaks with nutrition contributor Michelle Jaelin about eating right in 2018.

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Carmela DiClemente and Jeff Chegwin, are co-authors of Dare to Win: Lessons from 57 of the world's most successful people. A veteran of the UK music industry, Jeff has promoted some of the biggest names in the industry including Paul McCartney and Elvis Costello. Carmela is former BBC producer who has worked with some of the biggest names in the UK radio business.

In this conversation, Keith, Jeff and Carmela discuss:

What it means to "Dare to Win" [2:02] Jeff's favorite story in the Book: Adele [3:04] Carmela on Steven King [3:56] Jeff on how rejection led to David Bowie's success [8:14] Carmela on rejection as a driver for success [9:13] Jeff and Carmela talk about the celebrities they've met (David Bowie, Simon Cowell, Paul McCartney) [11:20] Jeff tells his own Dare to Win story: How he helped Billy Bragg make it big with a bowl of curry [14:58] Scroll down to for a YouTube clip of Bragg's "New England" [19:01]  Jeff Chegwin's Instruction Manual

1. What are the habits you maintain every day to stay happy and healthy? [20:55]

Sleep well Run Drink lots of water Surround self with positive people Try to be the same person to everybody

 2. What personal development book do you recommend? [22:04]

"I don't think I've ever read one" but Fix You by Coldplay as an inspirational song.

3. Favorite personal mantra / inspirational quote [25:46] 

"Believe in your dreams and they will come true"

4. What's your one  guilty pleasure? [26:26]

Unhealthy food like chocolate and cookies (biscuits) Documentaries about the supernatural

5. When your time comes, how do you want to be remembered? [29:14]

Being motivational and helping people [19:01]  Carmela DiClemente's Instruction Manual

1. What are the habits you maintain every day to stay happy and healthy? [19:21]

Connect to nature, even if it's just looking at the trees and the sky in crowded London Exercise including yoga, walking and tennis Take time to reflect on whether she's being courteous and kind to those around her

 2. What personal development book do you recommend? [22:20]

My Family and other Animals by Gerald Durrell "It made me worship nature."

3. Favorite personal mantra / inspirational quote [23:31] 

"You can't fast-track to happiness and you can't shortcut misery."

4. What's your one guilty pleasure? [27:08]

Playing The Smiths very loud

5. When your time comes, how do you want to be remembered? [28:00]

As somebody who loved well [29:56] Where to find Jeff Website: [30:27] Where to find Carmela Twitter: @sloanesqgal [30:54] Nutrition contributor Michelle Jaelin on New Year's Resolutions

Michelle Jaelin is both a trained artist and a Registered Dietitian who is known as The NutritionArtist. She appears regularly as in newspapers, magazines and on television as an expert in healthy eating.

In this conversation, Keith and Michelle discuss:

Why are health-related resolutions so popular? [31:15] Michelle explains the "false hope syndrome" [31:43] What should people do if they've already fallen off track with their resolutions? [33:24] Where to find Michelle: Website: Twitter: @nutritionartist  Instagram: /nutritionartist Facebook: /nutritionartistRD [35:10] Closing words

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