Well, shit. A series of unfortunate events for the proprietor as she deliberately decided to fuck me over for fifty fuckin dollars which will turn into probably five to ten million USD$. I found in the parking lot 5 incredibly expensive security tags with the ulta logo so i looked them up and they cost $120 a piece....so much for anti theft, but nonetheless I thought to return the tags because of their cost and hoped i may get a reward or something for bringing them back. The corporate policy is to give the person ten percent in cash or store credit for returning them. I was afforded no such options. Instead, i was treated like shit and looked upon as if I was the person who stole the items. Furthermore, i was quickly ushered out of the door and was given nothing for returning five security tags that each cost $120..I forget to mentioned that Jimbo is a dead piece shi stain sniffin fuckin loser. Eat shit motherfucker.